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SpatiaLite Routing Datasette

This is an experiment to explores SpatiaLite's routing capabilities using Datasette.


It is based on the introduction to virtual routing in SpatiaLite which can be found here.

We'll recreate the example in Datasette step by step:

1. Download the Database

This is a SpatiaLite database containing a full road network from the Tuscany region in Italy.

It featues:

  • roads represented as 3D LineString, speed in km/h, cost (time to travel in seconds)
  • house numbers representeed as 3D Points
  • names etc.

Download the database here.

In my case the download was very slow and aborted several times. I finally used wget which automatically resumes aborted downloads.

Once downloaded, extract the database using 7zip:

7zz x routing-sample- 

2. Extensions

The spatialite extension is required for geographic queries. See datasette documentation on how to install it.

3. Create Routing Tables

Make sure you have spatialite installed and open the database:

spatialite routing-sample-5.0.0.sqlite

Create a "routing table" for pedestrians:

SELECT CreateRouting('byfoot_data', 'byfoot', 'roads_vw', 'node_from', 'node_to', 'geom', NULL, 'toponym', 1, 1);

(This actually creates two tables: byfoot and byfoot_data).

Now let's create another routing table for cars:

SELECT CreateRouting('bycar_data', 'bycar', 'roads_vw', 'node_from', 'node_to', 'geom', 'cost', 'toponym', 1, 1, 'oneway_fromto', 'oneway_tofrom', 0);

Finally, lets duplicate the last table (so we can lookup two routes without crashing spatialite)

SELECT CreateRouting('bycar2_data', 'bycar2', 'roads_vw', 'node_from', 'node_to', 'geom', 'cost', 'toponym', 1, 1, 'oneway_fromto', 'oneway_tofrom', 0);

4. Plugins

The following plugins are used in this experiment:

  • datasette-darkmode (optional)
    to show the datasette in darkmode (including the sql editor)
  • datasette-geojson-map
    render a map for any query with a geometry column
  • datasette-geojson
    to add GeoJSON as an output option for datasette queries
  • datasette-leaflet
    to add the Leaflet JavaScript library.
    (required by datasette-leaflet-geojson)
  • sqlite-colorbrewer
    to use ColorBrewer scales in SQLite queries
  • datasette-query-files
    to read Datasette canned queries from plain SQL files

They can be installed using datasette install.

5. Start Datasette

The script loads extensions and plugins.

6. Canned Queries

A couple of canned queries have been added to the configuration:

6.1 Shortest Path

Use the virtual routing table to find the fastest route by car.


Link: http://localhost:8001/routing-sample/01-shortest-path-car

6.2 Multiple Shortest Paths

Use the virtual routing table to find multiple shortest paths


Link: http://localhost:8001/routing-sample/02-shortest-path-all

The query combines:

  • the fastest road by car (fat blue line)
  • the fastest road back (fat red line)
  • the shortest road on foot (thin black line)


  • We use Transform(Geometry, 4326) since the original coordinates are not in lat lon format.
  • we use aditional styling suchs as stroke-width and opacity so lines that overlay each other are still recognizable
  • we use AsGeoJSON(...) to get the geometries in GeoJSON format (optional).
  • We use UNION ALL to combine the results of the three queries.
  • there is currently a bug in SpatiaLite which prevents us from using the same routing table twice in a single database query (that's why we are using bycar and bycar2 here)

6.3. Multi-Destination I

Show a source, several targets and and the routes towards those targets on the map.


Link: http://localhost:8001/routing-sample/03-multi-destination


  • We are using spatialite's ST_Collect function to combine several geometries into one.
  • This way we lose the ability to style the markers and routes using the simplestyle spec provided by datasette-geojson-map

6.4. Multi-Destination II

Alternatively we can create three tables, one for each graphical attribute we are interested in. (route, start label, end label)


Link: http://localhost:8001/routing-sample/04-multi-destination-2

6.5 Isochrone Maps

Isochrones mark the distance on a map that can be reached within the same time.


See wikipedia article on isochrone maps


Here are four variations:

6.6 Isochrone Trails


Isochrone trails convey more information and are visually more appealing.


Here are two variations:


Datasette to explores SpatiaLite's routing capabilities








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