14 commits
to release-3.1
since this release
- [close #399] add grafana metrics for circuit break #398
- [close #404] use System.nanoTime() to calculate duration, cause System.currentTimeMillis() is not monotonic (#402) #417
- [close #433] fix calling getStoreById without backoffer (#434) #440
- [close #435] SimpleDateFormat is not threadsafe (#479) #482
- [close #489 ] fix backoffer data race #491
- [to #375] use scanRegions request to warm up client (#383) #438
- [close #480] add metrics inside grpc and netty (#484) #488
- [to #480] update grafana for netty grpc metrics (#493) #499
- [close #497] let JVM ClassLoader load gRPC error related classes during warmup (#496) #498
- [close #509] update google-gson to 2.8.9 (#508) #510