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WIP: Add random signals with common distributions #942

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Add correlated random signals
Frederik N. A. Bous committed Sep 11, 2022
commit f1491922ed6d8410fc94aa83b50c2265ee3fe2ec
91 changes: 85 additions & 6 deletions src/Sound/Tidal/Random.hs
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@@ -35,10 +35,11 @@ murmur3 seed x = h8

-- stretch 300 cycles over the range of [0,2**29 == 536870912) then apply the xorshift algorithm
timeToIntSeed :: RealFrac a => a -> Word32
timeToIntSeed = truncate . (* 2^32) . snd . properFraction . (/ 2^16)
timeToIntSeed = truncate . (* 2^(32::Int)) . remainder . (/ 2^(16::Int))
where remainder = snd . (properFraction :: RealFrac a => a -> (Int, a))

intSeedToRand :: Fractional a => Word32 -> a
intSeedToRand = (/ 2^32) . realToFrac
intSeedToRand = (/ 2^(32::Int)) . realToFrac

timeToRand :: (RealFrac a, Fractional b) => a -> b
timeToRand = intSeedToRand . murmur3 0 . timeToIntSeed
@@ -138,6 +139,18 @@ fmap2 f (x:x':xs) = let (y,y') = f x x' in y:y':fmap2 f xs
fmap2 _ _ = []

(<$$>) :: (Functor f1, Functor f2) => (a -> b) -> f1 (f2 a) -> f1 (f2 b)
(<$$>) = fmap . fmap

erf :: Floating a => a -> a
erf x = sqrt $ 1 - exp (- c0 * xSq * p1)
where p1 = (1 + c1 * xSq) / (1 + c2 * xSq)
c0 = 4 / pi
c1 = (10 - pi*pi) / (5 * (pi - 3) * pi)
c2 = (120 - 60 * pi + 7 * pi*pi) / (15 * (pi - 3) * pi)
xSq = x*x


`rand` generates a continuous pattern of (pseudo-)random numbers between `0` and `1`.
@@ -176,7 +189,7 @@ jux (# ((1024 <~) $ gain rand)) $ sound "sn sn ~ sn" # gain rand
rand :: Fractional a => Pattern a
rand = Pattern evts
where evts (State a@(Arc s e) _) = [Event (Context []) Nothing a val]
where val = realToFrac $ timeToRand ((e + s) / 2)
where val = realToFrac (timeToRand ((e + s) / 2) :: Double)

-- | Boolean rand - a continuous stream of true/false values, with a 50/50 chance.
brand :: Pattern Bool
@@ -211,14 +224,27 @@ rands = Pattern evts
where rnds = timeToRands' $ (e + s) / 2

-- | Infinite list of Normal (0, 1) random variables (correlated)
-- | Infinite list of correlated uniform [0, 1) random signals (shifted by 1)
randsC :: Floating a => Pattern [a]
randsC = Pattern evts
where evts (State a@(Arc s e) _) = [Event (Context []) Nothing a rnds]
where rnds = fmap (rnd . fromIntegral) ([1 .. ] :: [Int])
rnd k = realToFrac (timeToRand ((e + s)/2 + k / 2) :: Double)

-- | Infinite list of Normal (0, 1) random variables (uncorrelated)
gausss :: Floating a => Pattern [a]
gausss = Pattern evts
where evts (State a@(Arc s e) _) = [Event (Context []) Nothing a values]
where values = fmap2 boxmuller rnds
rnds = timeToRands' $ (e + s) / 2

-- | Infinite list of correlated normal (0, 1) random signals (shifted by 1)
gaussC :: Floating a => Pattern [a]
gaussC = fmap2 boxmuller <$> randsC

-- | A normal (Gauss) distributed random signal.
gauss :: Floating a => Pattern a
gauss = head <$> gausss
@@ -266,6 +292,10 @@ benford = fromIntegral <$> (withDistribution benfordsLaw <$> us)


smootherStep :: Floating a => a -> a
smootherStep x = 6.0 * x**5 - 15.0 * x**4 + 10.0 * x**3

{- | 1D Perlin (smooth) noise, works like rand but smoothly moves between random
values each cycle. `perlinWith` takes a pattern as the RNG's "input" instead
@@ -282,11 +312,27 @@ perlinWith p = fmap realToFrac $ (interp) <$> (p-pa) <*> (timeToRand <$> pa) <*>
pa = (fromIntegral :: Int -> Double) . floor <$> p
pb = (fromIntegral :: Int -> Double) . (+1) . floor <$> p
interp x a b = a + smootherStep x * (b-a)
smootherStep x = 6.0 * x**5 - 15.0 * x**4 + 10.0 * x**3

perlin :: Fractional a => Pattern a
perlin = perlinWith (sig fromRational)

perlinsWith :: Fractional a => Pattern Double -> Pattern [a]
perlinsWith p = realToFrac <$$> vals
where pas = timeToRands' . fI . floor <$> p
pbs = timeToRands' . fI . (+1) . floor <$> p
fI :: Int -> Double
fI = fromIntegral
phase = p - (fI . floor <$> p)
interp x (a,b) = a + smootherStep x * (b-a)
vals = do
x <- phase
pas' <- pas
pbs' <- pbs
return $ interp x <$> zip pas' pbs'

perlins :: Fractional a => Pattern [a]
perlins = perlinsWith (sig fromRational)

{- `perlin2With` is Perlin noise with a 2-dimensional input. This can be
useful for more control over how the randomness repeats (or doesn't).
@@ -315,8 +361,41 @@ perlin2With x y = (/2) . (+1) $ interp2 <$> xfrac <*> yfrac <*> dota <*> dotb <*
dotd = pcos (ce x) (ce y) * (xfrac - 1) + psin (ce x) (ce y) * (yfrac - 1)
interp2 x' y' a b c d = (1.0 - s x') * (1.0 - s y') * a + s x' * (1.0 - s y') * b
+ (1.0 - s x') * s y' * c + s x' * s y' * d
s x' = 6.0 * x'**5 - 15.0 * x'**4 + 10.0 * x'**3
s = smootherStep

perlin2 :: Pattern Double -> Pattern Double
perlin2 = perlin2With (sig fromRational)

-- | Auto-correlated random signal that is quasi periodic with period 1,
-- | normal distributed.
corr :: Floating a => Pattern Int -> Pattern a
corr n = do
nInt <- n
rs <- take nInt <$> gaussC
let nFloat = fromIntegral nInt
return $ sum rs / sqrt nFloat

-- | Auto-correlated random signal that is quasi periodic with period 1,
-- | uniformly distributed.
corru :: Floating a => Pattern Int -> Pattern a
corru = fmap erf . corr

-- | Auto-correlated random signal generated from random fourier coefficients
perfur :: (Fractional b, Integral a) => Pattern a -> Pattern b
perfur n = perlin + (realToFrac <$> vals)
where coeff = fmap2 boxmuller . timeToRands' . fI . floor <$> t
t = sig fromRational :: Pattern Double
fI = fromIntegral :: Int -> Double
phase = t - (fI . floor <$> t)
phs n' x k = 2 * pi * k * x / fromIntegral n'
base n' x = (sin . phs n' x <$> [1..]) ++ (cos . phs n' x <$> [1..])
vals = do
n' <- n
x <- phase
cs <- coeff
return $ sum $ zipWith (*) cs (base n' x)