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Apply trigger time directly to pattern query
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matthewkaney committed Dec 2, 2022
1 parent 9ed269b commit fa64396
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Showing 5 changed files with 26 additions and 49 deletions.
21 changes: 10 additions & 11 deletions src/Sound/Tidal/Control.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -412,29 +412,28 @@ sec p = (realToFrac <$> cF 1 "_cps") *| p
msec :: Fractional a => Pattern a -> Pattern a
msec p = (realToFrac . (/1000) <$> cF 1 "_cps") *| p

triggerWith :: Show a => (Time -> Time) -> a -> Pattern b -> Pattern b
triggerWith f k pat = pat {query = q}
triggerWith :: (Time -> Time) -> Pattern a -> Pattern a
triggerWith f pat = pat {query = q}
where q st = query (rotR (offset st) pat) st
offset st = fromMaybe 0 $ do v <- Map.lookup ctrl (controls st)
return (f $ fromMaybe 0 $ getR v)
ctrl = "_t_" ++ show k
offset st = fromMaybe 0 $ f <$> (Map.lookup ctrl (controls st) >>= getR)
ctrl = "_t_pattern"

trigger :: Show a => a -> Pattern b -> Pattern b
trigger :: Pattern a -> Pattern a
trigger = triggerWith id

ctrigger :: Show a => a -> Pattern b -> Pattern b
ctrigger :: Pattern a -> Pattern a
ctrigger = triggerWith $ (fromIntegral :: Int -> Rational) . ceiling

qtrigger :: Show a => a -> Pattern b -> Pattern b
qtrigger :: Pattern a -> Pattern a
qtrigger = ctrigger

rtrigger :: Show a => a -> Pattern b -> Pattern b
rtrigger :: Pattern a -> Pattern a
rtrigger = triggerWith $ (fromIntegral :: Int -> Rational) . round

ftrigger :: Show a => a -> Pattern b -> Pattern b
ftrigger :: Pattern a -> Pattern a
ftrigger = triggerWith $ (fromIntegral :: Int -> Rational) . floor

qt :: Show a => a -> Pattern b -> Pattern b
qt :: Pattern a -> Pattern a
qt = qtrigger

reset :: Show a => a -> Pattern b -> Pattern b
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4 changes: 4 additions & 0 deletions src/Sound/Tidal/Pattern.hs
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Expand Up @@ -378,6 +378,10 @@ withQueryArc f pat = pat {query = query pat . (\(State a m) -> State (f a) m)}
withQueryTime :: (Time -> Time) -> Pattern a -> Pattern a
withQueryTime f pat = withQueryArc (\(Arc s e) -> Arc (f s) (f e)) pat

-- | Apply a function to the control values of the query
withQueryControls :: (ValueMap -> ValueMap) -> Pattern a -> Pattern a
withQueryControls f pat = pat { query = query pat . (\(State a m) -> State a (f m))}

-- | @withEvent f p@ returns a new @Pattern@ with each event mapped over
-- function @f@.
withEvent :: (Event a -> Event b) -> Pattern a -> Pattern b
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17 changes: 9 additions & 8 deletions src/Sound/Tidal/Stream.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -332,11 +332,10 @@ getString cm s = (simpleShow <$> Map.lookup param cm) <|> defaultValue dflt
defaultValue _ = Nothing

playStack :: PlayMap -> ControlPattern
playStack pMap = stack $ map pattern active
where active = filter (\pState -> if hasSolo pMap
then solo pState
else not (mute pState)
) $ Map.elems pMap
playStack pMap = stack . (map pattern) . (filter active) . Map.elems $ pMap
where active pState = if hasSolo pMap
then solo pState
else not (mute pState)

toOSC :: [Int] -> ProcessedEvent -> OSC -> [(Double, Bool, O.Message)]
toOSC busses pe osc@(OSC _ _)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -401,15 +400,17 @@ toOSC _ pe (OSCContext oscpath)
ts = (peOnWholeOrPartOsc pe) + nudge -- + latency

-- Used for Tempo callback
updatePattern :: Stream -> ID -> ControlPattern -> IO ()
updatePattern stream k pat = do
updatePattern :: Stream -> ID -> Time -> ControlPattern -> IO ()
updatePattern stream k !t pat = do
let x = queryArc pat (Arc 0 0)
pMap <- seq x $ takeMVar (sPMapMV stream)
let playState = updatePS $ Map.lookup (fromID k) pMap
putMVar (sPMapMV stream) $ Map.insert (fromID k) playState pMap
where updatePS (Just playState) = do playState {pattern = pat', history = pat:(history playState)}
updatePS Nothing = PlayState pat' False False [pat']
pat' = pat # pS "_id_" (pure $ fromID k)
patControls = Map.singleton "_t_pattern" (VR t)
pat' = withQueryControls (Map.union patControls)
$ pat # pS "_id_" (pure $ fromID k)

processCps :: T.LinkOperations -> [Event ValueMap] -> IO [ProcessedEvent]
processCps ops = mapM processEvent
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4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions src/Sound/Tidal/Tempo.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ data ActionHandler =
ActionHandler {
onTick :: TickState -> LinkOperations -> P.ValueMap -> IO P.ValueMap,
onSingleTick :: LinkOperations -> P.ValueMap -> P.ControlPattern -> IO P.ValueMap,
updatePattern :: ID -> P.ControlPattern -> IO ()
updatePattern :: ID -> P.Time -> P.ControlPattern -> IO ()

data LinkOperations =
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -272,7 +272,7 @@ clocked config stateMV mapMV actionsMV ac abletonLink
Link.destroySessionState sessionState
-- put pattern id and change time in control input
let streamState'' = Map.insert ("_t_all") (P.VR $! cyc) $ Map.insert ("_t_" ++ fromID k) (P.VR $! cyc) streamState'
(updatePattern ac) k pat
(updatePattern ac) k cyc pat
return (st', streamState'')
(\(e :: E.SomeException) -> do
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29 changes: 1 addition & 28 deletions tidal-parse/src/Sound/Tidal/Parse.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -295,6 +295,7 @@ genericTransformations =
$(fromTidal "loopFirst") <|>
$(fromTidal "degrade") <|>
$(fromTidal "arpeggiate") <|>
$(fromTidal "trigger") <|>
constParser <*!> parser <|>
-- more complex possibilities that would involve overlapped Parse instances if they were instances
pTime_p_p <*!> parser <|>
Expand All @@ -310,12 +311,6 @@ genericTransformations =
(parser :: H ([Pattern Time] -> Pattern a -> Pattern a)) <*!> parser <|>
(parser :: H ([Pattern Double] -> Pattern a -> Pattern a)) <*!> parser <|>
(parser :: H ([Pattern a -> Pattern a] -> Pattern a -> Pattern a)) <*!> parser <|>
int_p_p <*!> parser <|>
integer_p_p <*!> parser <|>
double_p_p <*!> parser <|>
time_p_p <*!> parser <|>
string_p_p <*!> parser <|>
bool_p_p <*!> parser <|>
lp_p_p <*!> parser <|>
a_patternB <|>
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -642,28 +637,6 @@ instance Parse ((Time,Time) -> Pattern a -> Pattern a) where
pString_pInt_pString :: H (Pattern String -> Pattern Int -> Pattern String)
pString_pInt_pString = $(fromTidal "samples")

showable_p_p :: (Show a, Parse a) => H (a -> Pattern b -> Pattern b)
showable_p_p = $(fromTidal "trigger")
-- *** pathway leading to spread(etc) should be incorporated here also???

int_p_p :: H (Int -> Pattern a -> Pattern a)
int_p_p = showable_p_p

integer_p_p :: H (Integer -> Pattern a -> Pattern a)
integer_p_p = showable_p_p

time_p_p :: H (Time -> Pattern a -> Pattern a)
time_p_p = showable_p_p

double_p_p :: H (Double -> Pattern a -> Pattern a)
double_p_p = showable_p_p

string_p_p :: H (String -> Pattern a -> Pattern a)
string_p_p = showable_p_p

bool_p_p :: H (Bool -> Pattern a -> Pattern a)
bool_p_p = showable_p_p

pTime_p_p :: H (Pattern Time -> Pattern a -> Pattern a)
pTime_p_p =
$(fromTidal "fast") <|>
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