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yaxu committed Oct 11, 2023
2 parents 2a6a221 + 3eaa801 commit d347b65
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10 changes: 5 additions & 5 deletions tidal-core/src/Sound/Tidal/Bjorklund.hs
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Expand Up @@ -63,19 +63,19 @@ bjorklundOff :: (Int, Int, Int) -> [Bool]
bjorklundOff (i,j,k) = take j $ drop (k `mod` j) $ cycle $ bjorklundNeg (i,j)

_euclid :: Pattern p => Int -> Int -> p Bool
_euclid n k = cat $ map pure $ bjorklundNeg (n,k)
_euclid n k = unitcat $ map pure $ bjorklundNeg (n,k)

euclid :: Pattern p => p Int -> p Int -> p Bool
euclid = patternify_P_P _euclid
euclid a b = patternify_P_P _euclid (outer a) (outer b)

_euclidTo :: Pattern p => Int -> Int -> p a -> p a
_euclidTo n k pat = fastcat $ map (bool pat silence) $ bjorklundNeg (n,k)
_euclidTo n k pat = unitcat $ map (bool pat silence) $ bjorklundNeg (n,k)

euclidTo :: Pattern p => p Int -> p Int -> p a -> p a
euclidTo = patternify_P_P_n _euclidTo

_euclidOff :: Pattern p => Int -> Int -> Int -> p Bool
_euclidOff i j k = cat $ map pure $ bjorklundOff (i,j,k)
_euclidOff i j k = unitcat $ map pure $ bjorklundOff (i,j,k)

euclidOff :: Pattern p => p Int -> p Int -> p Int -> p Bool
euclidOff = patternify_P_P_P _euclidOff
Expand All @@ -84,7 +84,7 @@ eoff :: Pattern p => p Int -> p Int -> p Int -> p Bool
eoff = euclidOff

_euclidOffTo :: Pattern p => Int -> Int -> Int -> p a -> p a
_euclidOffTo i j k pat = fastcat $ map (bool pat silence) $ bjorklundOff (i,j,k)
_euclidOffTo i j k pat = unitcat $ map (bool pat silence) $ bjorklundOff (i,j,k)

euclidOffTo :: Pattern p => p Int -> p Int -> p Int -> p a -> p a
euclidOffTo = patternify_P_P_P_n _euclidOffTo
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92 changes: 90 additions & 2 deletions tidal-core/src/Sound/Tidal/Compose.hs
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@@ -1,14 +1,18 @@
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE IncoherentInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MonoLocalBinds #-}

-- (c) Alex McLean and contributors 2023
-- Shared under the terms of the GNU Public License v3.0

module Sound.Tidal.Compose where

import Control.Applicative (Applicative (..))
import Data.Bits
import Data.Bool (bool)
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map
import Prelude hiding (Applicative (..))
import Sound.Tidal.Pattern (flexBind)
import Sound.Tidal.Pattern (filterJusts, flexBind)
import Sound.Tidal.Types

-- ************************************************************ --
Expand All @@ -28,5 +32,89 @@ instance {-# OVERLAPPING #-} Unionable ValueMap where
liftP2 :: Pattern p => (a -> b -> c) -> (p a -> p b -> p c)
liftP2 op apat bpat = apat `flexBind` \a -> op a <$> bpat

set, keep :: Pattern p => p a -> p a -> p a
set = liftA2 (flip union)
keep = liftA2 union

keepif :: Pattern p => p a -> p Bool -> p a
keepif pata patb = filterJusts $ liftA2 (\a b -> bool Nothing (Just a) b) pata patb

_add, _sub, _mul :: (Pattern p, Num a) => p a -> p a -> p a
_add = liftA2 (Prelude.+)
_sub = liftA2 (Prelude.-)
_mul = liftA2 (Prelude.*)

_div :: (Pattern p, Fractional a) => p a -> p a -> p a
_div = liftA2 (Prelude./)

_mod, _pow :: (Pattern p, Integral a) => p a -> p a -> p a
_mod = liftA2 mod
_pow = liftA2 (Prelude.^)

_powf :: (Pattern p, Floating a) => p a -> p a -> p a
_powf = liftA2 (Prelude.**)

_concat :: Pattern p => p String -> p String -> p String
_concat = liftA2 (Prelude.++)

_band, _bor, _bxor :: (Pattern p, Bits a) => p a -> p a -> p a
_band = liftA2 (.&.)
_bor = liftA2 (.|.)
_bxor = liftA2 (.^.)

_bshiftl, _bshiftr :: (Pattern p, Bits a) => p a -> p Int -> p a
_bshiftl = liftA2 (.<<.)
_bshiftr = liftA2 (.>>.)

_lt, _gt, _lte, _gte :: (Pattern p, Ord a) => p a -> p a -> p Bool
_lt = liftA2 (Prelude.<)
_gt = liftA2 (Prelude.>)
_lte = liftA2 (Prelude.<=)
_gte = liftA2 (Prelude.>=)

_eq, _ne :: (Pattern p, Eq a) => p a -> p a -> p Bool
_eq = liftA2 (Prelude.==)
_ne = liftA2 (Prelude./=)

_and, _or :: Pattern p => p Bool -> p Bool -> p Bool
_and = liftA2 (Prelude.&&)
_or = liftA2 (Prelude.||)

(#) :: (Pattern p, Unionable a) => p a -> p a -> p a
(#) = liftA2 union

(|=|), (|=), (=|) :: Pattern p => p a -> p a -> p a
a |=| b = (mix a) # b
a |= b = (inner a) # b
a =| b = (outer a) # b

(|+), (+|), (|+|) :: (Num (p a), Pattern p) => p a -> p a -> p a
a |+ b = (inner a) + b
a +| b = (outer a) + b
a |+| b = (mix a) + b

struct :: (Pattern p, Unionable a) => p Bool -> p a -> p a
struct patbool pat = (outer pat) `keepif` patbool

structAll :: (Pattern p, Unionable a) => p a -> p a -> p a
structAll pata patb = (outer patb) `keep` pata

mask :: (Pattern p, Unionable a) => p Bool -> p a -> p a
mask patbool pat = (inner pat) `keepif` patbool

maskAll :: (Pattern p, Unionable a) => p a -> p a -> p a
maskAll pata patb = (inner patb) `keep` pata

reset :: (Unionable a) => Signal Bool -> Signal a -> Signal a
reset = flip keepifTrig
resetAll :: (Unionable a) => Signal a -> Signal a -> Signal a
resetAll = flip keepTrig
restart :: (Unionable a) => Signal Bool -> Signal a -> Signal a
restart = flip keepifTrigzero
restartAll :: (Unionable a) => Signal a -> Signal a -> Signal a
restartAll = flip keepTrigzero
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions tidal-core/src/Sound/Tidal/InstanceHacks.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -11,6 +11,7 @@ import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map
-- import Sound.Tidal.Compose (liftA2)
import Sound.Tidal.Sequence ()
import Sound.Tidal.Signal ()
import Sound.Tidal.Span (withSpanTime)
import Sound.Tidal.Types
import Sound.Tidal.Value

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76 changes: 76 additions & 0 deletions tidal-core/src/Sound/Tidal/Pattern.hs
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Expand Up @@ -3,6 +3,9 @@

module Sound.Tidal.Pattern where

import qualified Data.Bits
import Data.Char (ord)
import Data.Maybe (fromJust, isJust)
import Data.Ratio
import Prelude hiding ((*>), (<*))
import Sound.Tidal.Types
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -57,6 +60,9 @@ infixl 4 <*, *>
flexBind :: Pattern p => p b -> (b -> p c) -> p c
flexBind a b = (patBind a) a b

filterJusts :: Pattern p => p (Maybe a) -> p a
filterJusts = fmap fromJust . filterValues isJust

-- ************************************************************ --
-- Transformations common to Signals and Sequences

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -311,6 +317,76 @@ _scan n = slowcat $ map _run [1 .. n]
scan :: (Pattern p, Enum a, Num a) => p a -> p a
scan = (>>= _run)

__binary :: Data.Bits.Bits b => Int -> b -> [Bool]
__binary n num = map (Data.Bits.testBit num) $ reverse [0 .. n-1]

_binary :: (Pattern p, Data.Bits.Bits b) => Int -> b -> p Bool
_binary n num = fastFromList $ __binary n num

_binaryN :: Pattern p => Int -> p Int -> p Bool
_binaryN n p = squeezeJoin $ _binary n <$> p

binaryN :: Pattern p => p Int -> p Int -> p Bool
binaryN n p = patternify_P_n _binaryN n p

binary :: Pattern p => p Int -> p Bool
binary = binaryN (pure 8)

ascii :: Pattern p => p String -> p Bool
ascii p = squeezeJoin $ fastFromList . concatMap (__binary 8 . ord) <$> p

-- | For specifying a boolean pattern according to a list of offsets
-- (aka inter-onset intervals). For example `necklace 12 [4,2]` is
-- the same as "t f f f t f t f f f t f". That is, 12 steps per cycle,
-- with true values alternating between every 4 and every 2 steps.
necklace :: Pattern p => Rational -> [Int] -> p Bool
necklace perCycle xs = _slow (toRational (sum xs) / perCycle) $ fastFromList $ list xs
where list :: [Int] -> [Bool]
list [] = []
list (x:xs') = (True : replicate (x-1) False) ++ list xs'

Treats the given signal @p@ as having @n@ chunks, and applies the function @f@ to one of those sections per cycle.
- from left to right if chunk number is positive
- from right to left if chunk number is negative
d1 $ chunk 4 (fast 4) $ sound "cp sn arpy [mt lt]"
chunk :: Pattern p => p Int -> (p b -> p b) -> p b -> p b
chunk npat f p = innerJoin $ (\n -> _chunk n f p) <$> npat

_chunk :: Pattern p => Int -> (p b -> p b) -> p b -> p b
_chunk n f p | n == 0 = p
| n > 0 = when (_iterBack n $ fastcat (map pure $ True:replicate (n-1) False)) f p
| otherwise = when (_iter (abs n) $ fastcat (map pure $ replicate (abs n-1) False ++ [True])) f p

snowball |
snowball takes a function that can combine patterns (like '+'),
a function that transforms a pattern (like 'slow'),
a depth, and a starting pattern,
it will then transform the pattern and combine it with the last transformation until the depth is reached
this is like putting an effect (like a filter) in the feedback of a delay line
each echo is more effected
d1 $ note (scale "hexDorian" $ snowball (+) (slow 2 . rev) 8 "0 ~ . -1 . 5 3 4 . ~ -2") # s "gtr"
snowball :: Pattern p => Int -> (p a -> p a -> p a) -> (p a -> p a) -> p a -> p a
snowball depth combinationFunction f signal = cat $ take depth $ scanl combinationFunction signal $ drop 1 $ iterate f signal

{- @soak@ |
applies a function to a signal and cats the resulting signal,
then continues applying the function until the depth is reached
this can be used to create a signal that wanders away from
the original signal by continually adding random numbers
d1 $ note (scale "hexDorian" mutateBy (+ (range -1 1 $ irand 2)) 8 $ "0 1 . 2 3 4") # s "gtr"
soak :: Pattern p => Int -> (p a -> p a) -> p a -> p a
soak depth f signal = cat $ take depth $ iterate f signal

-- ************************************************************ --
-- Metadata utils

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