This repository includes an Envoy.blade.php script that is designed to provide a very basic "zero-downtime" deployment option using the open-source Laravel Envoy tool. This repository is heavily inspired by envoy-deploy
This Envoy script is designed to be used with Laravel 5 projects.
Your must have Envoy installed using the Composer global command:
composer global require "laravel/envoy=~1.0"
Download or clone this repository then edit the envoy.config.php file with the ssh login, Git repository, server path for your app.
The $path
(server path) should already be created in your server and be a blank directory.
You should set your website root directory (in vhost / server config) to $path
/current (e.g /var/www/default/current)
When you're happy with the config, run the init task on your local machine by running the following in the repository directory
envoy run init
You can specify the Laravel environment (for artisan:migrate command) and git branch as options
envoy run init --branch=develop --env=development
You only need to run the init task once.
The init task creates a .env
file in your root path - make sure and update the environment variables appropriately.
Each time you want to deploy simply run the deploy task on your local machine in the repository direcory
envoy run deploy
You can specify the Laravel environment (for artisan:migrate command) and git branch as options
envoy run deploy --branch=develop --env=development
If you could like to deploy your repository and cleanup any old deployments at the same time, you can run
envoy run deploy_cleanup
This will run the deploy script and then delete any old deployments older than 48 hours, limiting the number deleted to 5.
You can also run the cleanup script independently using
envoy run cleanup
Your $path
directory will look something like this after you init and then deploy.
current -> ./20150317114500
As you can see, the current directory is symlinked to the latest deployment folder
Inside one of your deployment folders looks like the following (excluded some laravel folders for space)
.env -> ../.env
storage -> ../storage
The deployment folder .env file and storage directory are symlinked to the parent folders in the main (parent) path.
This has only been tested so far with a Laravel Homestead / Vagrant VM. Use on a live server at your own risk and make sure you read through the script and set the config correctly!
v1.0.1 - Added cleanup
task and deploy_cleanup
macro after changing cleanup command.
Please submit improvements and fixes :)
- Papertank Limited
- Servers for Hackers for inspiration
- @noeldiaz on Laracasts for deployment cleanups idea
- Harmen Stoppels for cloning HEAD only