- Quickly build a Dubbo Spring Boot project include ApiModule and providerModule.
- You can choose other dependencies like mybatis pageHelper hikari, and the plugin will auto generate code sample and unit test.
dependency name | supported version |
MYBAITS | v1.0 |
MYSQL | v1.0 |
LOMBOK | v1.0 |
REDIS | v1.0 |
FASTJSON | v1.0 |
RABBIT_MQ | v1.0 |
COMMON_LANGS_3 | v1.0 |
ZOOKEEPER | v1.0 |
WEB_TOMCAT | v1.0 |
PAGE_HELPER | v1.0 |
HIKARI | v1.0 |
the plugin support Intellij version more than or equal to 2018.1
use IDEA plugin system:
- Preferences(Settings) > Plugins > Browse repositories... > search and find"Dubbo" > Install Plugin
directly download
- download
lastest plugin zip
-> Preferences(Settings) > Plugins > Install plugin from disk...
- if you has used with zookeeper, please set up zookeeper server first
- before start, please config the database config in application.properties to your own config
- if you want to run the testcase in project, please run schema.sql in project resource folder
- import project to your Intellij
- add a gradle task gradle runIde
- modify project source code and run the task
- more you can view on https://github.com/JetBrains/gradle-intellij-plugin