Containerlab topology to support the exercises in Nokia Border Gateway Protocol for Internet Routing
As part of my exam preparation activities where I wanted to do workbook exercises without needing access to the Nokia BGP labs and looking for an excuse to learn how the containerlab templating features work (and justify some procrastination in actual study), this containerlab topology creates the routers, links and initial configurations to support doing the exercises in the Nokia Border Gateway Protocol for Internet Routing Lab Workbook - Revision 4.0 Jan 2022
While the audience that is interested in playing around with this particular workbook is probably quite small, hopefully this provides greater value as an example on how containerlab templating might be done. I had previously done work with jinja2 based templates however containerlab uses the templating capability of go which is similar in some aspects or quite different in others.
Note: At the time of writing containerlab 0.43.0 had a regression issue supporting template variables on link endpoints however this should be resolved in newer versions
If necessary edit bgp.yml lines 6 (reference to SROS container image) and 7 (pointer to license key) to align with your environment (this lab is using SROS version 23.7.R1).
For instructions on creating a docker image if you have a For a valid license key, reach out to your appropriate Nokia contact.
This is where the 8 routers and associated interconnections described in bgp.yml will be instantiated
sudo containerlab deploy --reconfigure --topo bgp.yml
The reconfigure flag will ignore any previous router configurations that may have been saved (this may or may not be desired - exclude this flag as required)
Using the following command to check the operating state of each of the routers.
watch 'docker ps --format "Name: {{.Names}}, Status: {{.Status}}" | grep clab-bgp'
Typically it will take around 3 minutes for the routers to be available - the Display should eventually show the following when things are ready
Name: clab-bgp-R7, Status: Up 3 minutes (healthy)
Name: clab-bgp-R6, Status: Up 3 minutes (healthy)
Name: clab-bgp-R2, Status: Up 2 minutes (healthy)
Name: clab-bgp-R4, Status: Up 3 minutes (healthy)
Name: clab-bgp-R8, Status: Up 2 minutes (healthy)
Name: clab-bgp-R5, Status: Up 3 minutes (healthy)
Name: clab-bgp-R1, Status: Up 3 minutes (healthy)
Name: clab-bgp-R3, Status: Up 2 minutes (healthy)
Hit control-c to quit the watch
$ ssh admin@clab-bgp-R1
admin@clab-bgp-r1's password:
A:admin@R1# show port
Ports on Slot 1
Port Admin Link Port Cfg Oper LAG/ Port Port Port C/QS/S/XFP/
Id State State MTU MTU Bndl Mode Encp Type MDIMDX
1/1/c1 Down Down conn 100GBASE-LR4*
1/1/c2 Down Down conn 100GBASE-LR4*
1/1/c3 Down Down conn 100GBASE-LR4*
1/1/c4 Down Down conn 100GBASE-LR4*
1/1/c5 Down Down conn 100GBASE-LR4*
1/1/c6 Down Down conn 100GBASE-LR4*
1/1/c7 Down Down conn 100GBASE-LR4*
1/1/c8 Down Down conn 100GBASE-LR4*
1/1/c9 Down Down conn 100GBASE-LR4*
1/1/c10 Down Down conn 100GBASE-LR4*
1/1/c11 Down Down conn 100GBASE-LR4*
1/1/c12 Down Down conn 100GBASE-LR4*
Ports on Slot A
Port Admin Link Port Cfg Oper LAG/ Port Port Port C/QS/S/XFP/
Id State State MTU MTU Bndl Mode Encp Type MDIMDX
A/1 Up Yes Up 1514 1514 - netw null faste MDI
A/3 Down No Down 1514 1514 - netw null faste
A/4 Down No Down 1514 1514 - netw null faste
A:admin@R1# show router interface
Interface Table (Router: Base)
Interface-Name Adm Opr(v4/v6) Mode Port/SapId
IP-Address PfxState
system Up Down/Down Network system
- -
Interfaces : 1
A:admin@R1# show router route-table
Route Table (Router: Base)
Dest Prefix[Flags] Type Proto Age Pref
Next Hop[Interface Name] Metric
No. of Routes: 0
Flags: n = Number of times nexthop is repeated
B = BGP backup route available
L = LFA nexthop available
S = Sticky ECMP requested
In this case the system is active and the cards/ioms/ports are up but the routers don't have base communications with each other yet
When invoking the use of a template, containerlab will search for files that match the defined template with the "__[KIND].tmpl" - in this case, ther are Nokia SROS routers ([KIND] = "vr-sros") in the topology, so the file used will be "baseconfig__vr-sros.tmpl" the filepath "." refers to the current directory hosting the files for this particular containerlab
sudo containerlab config -t bgp.yml -p . -l baseconfig
While it is possible to define a partial configuration for each of the 8 routers in this topology - storing the relevant variables in the clab topology file (bgp.yml) and having a single template (baseconfig__vr-sros.tmpl) that supports per router configuration in a dynamic manner (meaning you can add or remove routers including modification of relevant attributes) in the bgp.yml file provides quite a bit of flexibilty to get containerlab up and running and ready for action quite quickly.
The template configuration will be used to apply the following on each of the routers:
- Configures Ethernet Ports associated with Links defined in the bgp.yml topology
- Similarly configures IP interfaces associated with Links defined in the bgp.yml topology and binds them to the relevant ports
- Configures the Router system IP interface
- Enable IS-IS on IP interfaces that are expecting it
- Create extra loopback interfaces that the Lab Workbook expects
This templating feature may not be something that you plan to use outside of containerlab based deployments as other tools may be more appropriate, however the built in functionality does have the advantage of just needing containerlab and not other tools such as ansible and the like meaning that it should be more portable and shareable with other users.
Repeating step 4, we can see that the configuration has been generated and applied and is functioning
A:admin@R1# show port
Ports on Slot 1
Port Admin Link Port Cfg Oper LAG/ Port Port Port C/QS/S/XFP/
Id State State MTU MTU Bndl Mode Encp Type MDIMDX
1/1/c1 Up Link Up conn 100GBASE-LR4*
1/1/c1/1 Up Yes Up 9212 9212 - netw null cgige
1/1/c2 Up Link Up conn 100GBASE-LR4*
1/1/c2/1 Up Yes Up 9212 9212 - netw null cgige
1/1/c3 Up Link Up conn 100GBASE-LR4*
1/1/c3/1 Up Yes Up 9212 9212 - netw null cgige
1/1/c4 Down Down conn 100GBASE-LR4*
1/1/c5 Down Down conn 100GBASE-LR4*
1/1/c6 Down Down conn 100GBASE-LR4*
1/1/c7 Down Down conn 100GBASE-LR4*
1/1/c8 Down Down conn 100GBASE-LR4*
1/1/c9 Down Down conn 100GBASE-LR4*
1/1/c10 Down Down conn 100GBASE-LR4*
1/1/c11 Down Down conn 100GBASE-LR4*
1/1/c12 Down Down conn 100GBASE-LR4*
Ports on Slot A
Port Admin Link Port Cfg Oper LAG/ Port Port Port C/QS/S/XFP/
Id State State MTU MTU Bndl Mode Encp Type MDIMDX
A/1 Up Yes Up 1514 1514 - netw null faste MDI
A/3 Down No Down 1514 1514 - netw null faste
A/4 Down No Down 1514 1514 - netw null faste
A:admin@R1# show router interface
Interface Table (Router: Base)
Interface-Name Adm Opr(v4/v6) Mode Port/SapId
IP-Address PfxState
system Up Up/Down Network system n/a
to_R2 Up Up/Down Network 1/1/c2/1 n/a
to_R3 Up Up/Down Network 1/1/c3/1 n/a
to_R5 Up Up/Down Network 1/1/c1/1 n/a
Interfaces : 4
A:admin@R1# show router route-table
Route Table (Router: Base)
Dest Prefix[Flags] Type Proto Age Pref
Next Hop[Interface Name] Metric
------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Local Local 00h01m14s 0
to_R3 0 Local Local 00h01m14s 0
to_R5 0 Remote ISIS 00h00m59s 18 20 Local Local 00h01m14s 0
to_R2 0 Remote ISIS 00h00m59s 18 20 Local Local 00h01m14s 0
system 0 Remote ISIS 00h00m59s 18 10 Remote ISIS 00h00m59s 18 10 Remote ISIS 00h00m59s 18 20 Remote ISIS 00h00m59s 18 20
No. of Routes: 10
Flags: n = Number of times nexthop is repeated
B = BGP backup route available
L = LFA nexthop available
S = Sticky ECMP requested
Adding/removing routers or links to the bgp.yml file doesn't mean that hte template needs to be adjusted. The variable information of interest that is defined in the topology is what is used Not all routers need to participate in IS-IS (not defining isis_area within a nodes config vars will mean the template doesnt attempt to push an IS-IS config onto that device) Even if the router is running IS-IS, not all interfaces need to participate in it (within the link endpoint definitions, not setting isis to true means the template will exclude that interfaces from being attached to IS-IS.
In the case of R1, the interface to R3 is intended to be to a different autonmous system for this workbook and the IGP doesn't extend between these routers
A:admin@R1# show router interface
Interface Table (Router: Base)
Interface-Name Adm Opr(v4/v6) Mode Port/SapId
IP-Address PfxState
system Up Up/Down Network system n/a
to_R2 Up Up/Down Network 1/1/c2/1 n/a
to_R3 Up Up/Down Network 1/1/c3/1 n/a
to_R5 Up Up/Down Network 1/1/c1/1 n/a
Interfaces : 4
A:admin@R1# show router isis interface
Rtr Base ISIS Instance 0 Interfaces
Interface Level CircID Oper L1/L2 Metric Type
system L2 1 Up -/0 p2p
to_R2 L2 2 Up -/10 p2p
to_R5 L2 4 Up -/10 p2p
Interfaces : 3
Now that the lab has been instantiated and the base configurations are in place, it is just a matter of connecting to the router of interest and performing the relevant lab tasks.
For example, if we want to work on R2, we can ssh into it and start doing things
ssh admin@clab-bgp-R2