Convert EVTX (Log file created by the Windows 7 Event Viewer) to pandas, but also CSV, JSON or Dask DataFrame.
JSON creation is based on:
pip install evtx2pandas
from evtx2pandas.json_to_csv import EvtxParser reader = EvtxParser() # To convert evtx to pandas DataFrame df = reader.evtx_to_df(evtx_path) # To convert evtx to Dask DataFrame dask_dd = reader.evtx_to_dask(json_path) # To write evtx as json reader.evtx_to_json(json_path, output_path=temp_file) mydict = json.load(open(temp_file)) # To read the JSON output as python dict # To write evtx as CSV reader.evtx_to_csv(json_path, output_path=temp_file) df = pd.read_csv(temp_file, sep=";") # To read the CSV output as padnas DataFrame
evtx2pandas is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
See the file COPYING for the full text of GNU General Public License version 2.