Welcome on the AI316 Recommender System project page.
This project have to be done by team of 2.
Each week a new environment is released. Each environment simulate different aspect of user behavior. Your goal as an agent is to implement a recommender system that get the best performances on each environments.
Each environment will be accessible through a different IP address. Next examples used but make sure to use the good ones instead.
Each environment is specific to a user session. Logging have been send to you by email.
To be identified each request should contain your user_id
This environment encode the classic explicit feedback setting with user, item and rating.
The first thing to do is to call the reset method. It will initialize the environment and return a new sample of historical data
- Restart the environment with new random values.
- Return historical data already temporally aligned.
- user_id
- predicted_score (for previous (user, item))
- rating
- next_user
- next_item
Notice the lag here. Rating returned by the environment correspond to the previously send (user, item).
The second environment is a variation of the first one that include covariates in the inputs (a.k.a. content based).
Methods are the same but you receive also a vector of features.
- next_variables
The third environment generate implicit feedback.
- nb_users
- nb_items
- state_history
- reward_history
- action_history
- next_state
- recommended_item (int. item position in previous state, not item_id)
- reward
- state
State is a vector of features for k available items. Let denote j one of them.
- state[j][0] = user
- state[j][1] = item
- state[j][2] = price
- state[j][3:] = variables
The performance metric will be mse over 1000 steps on 3 independent run.
Those environment explicitly gives you the reward at each steps.
The performance metric will be the cumulative reward over 1000 steps on 3 independent run.
On the first environment you're asked to develop an API that can be requested to get prediction.
We should be able to deploy this API by running only
docker compose up --build
Evaluation method is the same than before but we will send queries every 100ms. Non responding request will count as +1000.
- nb_users
- nb_items
- user_history
- item_history
- rating_history
do the training in less than 1 minute.
- user
- item
- rating
can be called every 100ms.