Releases: thesimonho/tarragon
Releases · thesimonho/tarragon
- a6d3e30 fix: remove gobinary version
- 6fc9cab build: update gorelease config to use proxy
- f7b57dd style: add colour palette
- aa302dd fix: add spacing around top and bottom margins
- 811b21e fix: fix string repeat on small window sizes
- 7a26c00 docs: update license
- 981c338 docs: update README
- 97fde91 fix: fix field alignment
- 6899c2e docs: move TODOs to github issues
- 6c64226 docs: update logo
- a744a45 build: revert the full module name
- 6f8ffbd build: set ldflags using module path
- 49754e9 build: split version number
- e19ace2 build: damn tabs vs spaces
- 095aa61 build: fix character
- 60c0b37 build: use git tag as the version
- 74fce28 build: move the version variable?
- c651aac build: add version flag
- 439471b build: fix module path
- 39c9063 docs: add README
- b59dfcd build: unique build IDs
- 037793d build: remove deprecated flag
- bce5d0b build: add workflows and release actions
- 8826e04 refactor(debug): remove unnecessary debug assignment
- 9842aef feat(tfvalidate): option to validate all projects on refresh
- 49fefcd fix: fix spinner and message when running commands on highlighted item
- f6ecc07 docs(progress): Identify progress bar bug. Waiting on upstream fix
- 0368757 fix(output): Fix rendering of the output view
- b02ac75 style: renaming things
- b87ad08 style(confirmation): Move confirmation to its own file
- e77050e fix(table): make table easier to read
- 0787a3b style: Move all lip gloss styles into one place
- deb869c feat(confirmation): Add confirmation prompt for apply actions
- f1d0015 feat: fit contents to the window size
- 4c1e9d9 feat(tfapply): add apply command
- f80d97a feat(tfvalidate): add validate command
- 895a354 feat(output): add apply log to output screen
- e716b29 feat(tfplan): output parsing when not using JSON mode
- acb2bd9 style: Move project struct to more sensible location
- 715b217 feat: Add window title
- cfd3426 feat(output): Add output view switching
- 2423eca feat(help): Add help view and keymaps
- 7b9ccb2 fix: Remove window resize events as theyre not supported on Windows
- 44e0bdc feat: Update all actions should only update projects that have been selected
- 9df2744 chore: Renaming
- 1ea1506 test: Add tests
- 378b1ba feat: add progress bar
- 2ef1173 feat: add altscreen
- 59ed188 feat(tfplan): Add ability to run terraform plan on individual projects
- 58418bc chore(log): Add debug logging
- 983c929 feat(projects): Add projects table
- d2c01c8 chore(tfplan): replace goroutines with bubble tea cmds
- df818b8 fix(tfplan): well, at least its concurrent now...
- 4c3e243 feat(tfplan): Run and extract changes from tfplan
- 74b81bf feat: Create a project struct to hold metadata
- 08f9860 feat: Add path flag
- dad672a feat: Add progress spinner
- 9cde230 refactor: Use Cmds and errMsg for updating model values
- 6826cc8 feat: Add project scanning
- e347c77 chore: Add basic project structure
- 5b35437 chore: Initial commit