Audio recorder component for streamlit.
It creates a button: one click to start recording, one click to stop recording.
The component's return value is a pydub AudioSegment.
To play the audio in the frontend, use
All pydub AudioSegment methods are available, so you can save the audio to a file with audio.export("audio.wav", format="wav")
for example.
pip install streamlit-audiorecorder
Note: This package uses pydub which uses ffmpeg, so both should be installed for this audiorecorder to work properly.
import streamlit as st
from audiorecorder import audiorecorder
st.title("Audio Recorder")
audio = audiorecorder("Click to record", "Click to stop recording")
if not audio.empty():
# To play audio in frontend:
# To save audio to a file, use pydub export method:
audio.export("audio.wav", format="wav")
# To get audio properties, use pydub AudioSegment properties:
st.write(f"Frame rate: {audio.frame_rate}, Frame width: {audio.frame_width}, Duration: {audio.duration_seconds} seconds")