A simple wrapper around itzg/minecraft-server (See on Docker Hub) mainly used for hosting own minecraft instances of myself.
Provides some basic features like a backup mechanism.
- Attach to container:
docker attach mc
- Detach from container:
Ctrl + P
Ctrl + Q
Create a .env file and change the settings according to your needs. Use the up.sh
(or simply docker-compose up
) to start the server.
Just delete the *.jar file in your data directory and restart the container. A new server.jar will be downloaded
# Pull latest image from repository
docker pull itzg/minecraft-server
# Start container
The backup mechanism will synchronize the server data folder with another folder ("backups/_work") and will create an archive of that folder. The sychronization of the server will always be incremental but the archive will always contain a full backup of the server.
# Create a backup
# Create a backup and compress it into an archive (this is the default mode. bz2. will be used)
./bin/auto_backup.sh archive
# Create a separate backup directory
./bin/auto_backup.sh folder
# m h dom mon dow command
# Run a backup at 0:30, 6:30, 12:30, 18:30 and save the output to a log file
30 0,6,12,18 * * * cd ~/root/minecraft-docker && ./bin/auto_backup.sh >> backups/backups.log
# Rotate that log file automatically once every week
@weekly cd ~/root/minecraft-docker && savelog -t -q -n -c 7 backups/backups.log
# m h dom mon dow command
# Save semi-static data once a day
@daily crontab -l > ~/root/minecraft-docker/data/_static/crontab
@daily cd ~/root/minecraft-docker && cp -f .env data/_static/current.env
# Create backup archive twice a day (0:30 / 12:30)
30 0,12 * * * cd ~/root/minecraft-docker && ./bin/auto_backup.sh >> backups/backups.log
# Sync backup folder only twice a day (12:30 / 18:30)
30 6,18 * * * cd ~/root/minecraft-docker && ./bin/backup.sh >> backups/backups.log
# Store the daily backup on external volume (13:00)
0 13 * * * cd ~/root/minecraft-docker/backups && date >> backups.log && cp -vf latest.tar.bz2 /mnt/backups/minecraft/ >> backups.log
# Rotate backup log every week
@weekly savelog -t -q -n -c 7 ~/root/minecraft-docker/backups/backups.log
- docker-compose (tested with version 1.17)
- docker (tested with version 17.12)
- pbzip2
- tar
- rsync