Product-Checker is an app that scans barCode or Qr and displays the ingredients, chemicals, benefits of each ingredient, harmful effects, and better options available based on the user ratings.
This app uses the HTML5QRScanner to scan the barcode for a number which then fetches detailed info about that product from openFoodFacts api in the backend.
Info is then displayed in visual format using different types of representations such as graph, chart etc. (not implemented yet)
I have used react and tailwind for frontend part and node(express) for backend, while mongo db is our storage space(local server).
Fork the repo and deselect "Copy the master branch only" option as server is the current branch we are working on and main is a lot behind .
Install Node, MongoDB-Compass, and VS code to get started.
Run "npm install" or "yarn"(if u use yarn) on terminal to get all the required dependencies installed.
In MongoDB Compass connect to localhost:27017(present by default).
Go to the server branch by typing "git checkout server" on the terminal of root directory.(if it shows error then type whatever the terminal advices.)
Go to client directory in terminal and run "npm start/yarn start" to start the Frontend react app on localhost:3000.
The styling portion is done using tailwind which can be done by running the following command in your client directory in terminal " npx tailwindcss -i ./src/tailwindcss/input.css -o ./src/tailwindcss/output.css --watch "
Got to server directory in terminal and run "npm run dev" to start the backend with nodemon(installed as a dependency) running on localhost:5000.
The app runs on localhost:3000 while the backend run on localhost:5000 as an api.
This app was developed by Krishan Kumar Jha and Mohd Saad(me). Fork now to contribute to the project.