singR package is built on SING method SING is used to extract joint and individual non-gaussian components from different datasets. This is a tutorial example supporting the paper Simultaneous Non-Gaussian Component Analysis (SING) for Data Integration in Neuroimaging Benjamin Risk, Irina Gaynanova
You can install singR from github with:
If you want to install it on Mac OS, the installation tips is here:
1.Make sure all the R packages used in singR are updated to the recommended version.
2.Try to install singR, if there is an error saying:
ld: warning: directory not found for option '-L/opt/R/arm64/gfortran/lib/gcc/aarch64-apple-darwin20.2.0/11.0.0'
ld: warning: directory not found for option '-L/opt/R/arm64/gfortran/lib'
ld: library not found for -lgfortran
clang: error: linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation)
Then go to: /Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Resources/etc/Makeconf Change FLIBS from
FLIBS = -L/opt/R/arm64/gfortran/lib/gcc/aarch64-apple-darwin20.2.0/11.0.0 -L/opt/R/arm64/gfortran/lib -lgfortran -lemutls_w -lm
FLIBS = -L/usr/local/gfortran/lib/gcc/aarch64-apple-darwin20.2.0/11.0.0 -L/usr/local/gfortran/lib -lgfortran -lm
3.Download the .tar.xz file from using the browser, unpack it under /usr/local so that the “gfortran” folder is there.
4.Install singR again, it should be installed successfully.
for the quick start, we use a compressed version to accelerate the computation, which is a subpart of correlation matrix and 2k-resolution dtseries data.
# Load the package
# Read and visualize data
# It contains dX, dY, mj, sIx,sIy,sjx,sjy
## True Data and signchange
Sxtrue = t(simdata$sjx) #dim(Sxtrue) px x n
Sytrue = t(simdata$sjy)
Sxtrue = signchange(Sxtrue) #sign degree amplification
Sytrue = signchange(Sytrue)
This step needs ciftiTools package and workbench, which can be found in
ciftiTools.setOption("wb_path", "C:/Software/workbench")
xii_template <- read_cifti("extdata/template.dtseries.nii", brainstructures=c("left", "right"),resamp_res = 2000) #the template cifti file is built in the package
# resample the template to 2k resolution
xii_new <- newdata_xifti(xii_template, Sxtrue)
view_xifti_surface(select_xifti(xii_new,1),zlim = c(-2.43,2.82)) # component1 true
view_xifti_surface(select_xifti(xii_new,2),zlim = c(-2.43,2.82)) # component2 true
#define plotNetwork_change
plotNetwork_change = function(component,title='',qmin=0.005, qmax=0.995, path = '~/Dropbox/JINGCA/Data/community_affiliation_mmpplus.csv',make.diag=NA) {
# component:
# vectorized network of length choose(n,2)
# load communities for plotting:
mmp_modules = read.csv(path)
mmp_order = order(mmp_modules$Community_Vector)
#check community labels:
#labels = c('VI','SM','DS','VS','DM','CE','SC')
#coords = c(0,70.5,124.5,148.5,197.5,293.5,360.5)
zmin = quantile(component,qmin)
zmax = quantile(component,qmax)
netmat = vec2net(component,make.diag)
meltsub = create.graph.long(netmat,mmp_order)
#g2 = ggplot(meltsub, aes(X1,X2,fill=value))+ geom_tile()+ scale_fill_gradient2(low = "blue", high = "red",limits=c(zmin,zmax),oob=squish)+labs(title = paste0("Component ",component), x = "Node 1", y = "Node 2")+coord_cartesian(clip='off',xlim=c(-0,390))
g2 = ggplot(meltsub, aes(X1,X2,fill=value))+
scale_fill_gradient2(low = "blue", high = "red",limits=c(zmin,zmax),oob=squish)+
labs(title = title, x = "Node 1", y = "Node 2")+
#for (i in 1:7) {
# if (i!=3) {
# g2 = g2+geom_hline(yintercept = coords[i],linetype="dotted",size=0.5)+geom_vline(xintercept = coords[i],linetype="dotted",size=0.5)+annotation_custom(grob = textGrob(label = labels[i], hjust = 0, gp = gpar(cex = 1)),ymin = (coords[i]+10), ymax = (coords[i]+10), xmin = 385, xmax = 385)+annotation_custom(grob = textGrob(label = labels[i], hjust = 0, gp = gpar(cex = 1)),xmin = (coords[i]+10), xmax = (coords[i]+10), ymin = -7, ymax = -7)
# } else{
# g2 = g2+geom_hline(yintercept = coords[i],linetype="dotted",size=0.5)+geom_vline(xintercept = coords[i],linetype="dotted",size=0.5)+annotation_custom(grob = textGrob(label = labels[i], hjust = 0, gp = gpar(cex = 1)),ymin = (coords[i]+10), ymax = (coords[i]+10), xmin = 385, xmax = 385)+annotation_custom(grob = textGrob(label = labels[i], hjust = 0, gp = gpar(cex = 1)),xmin = (coords[i]+1), xmax = (coords[i]+1), ymin = -7, ymax = -7)
# }
# which nodes are prominent:
loadingsummary = apply(abs(netmat),1,sum,na.rm=TRUE)
loadingsum2 = loadingsummary[mmp_order]
Community = factor(mmp_modules$Community_Label)[mmp_order]
g3 = qplot(c(1:100),loadingsum2,col=Community,size=I(3))+xlab('MMP Index')+ylab('L1 Norm of the Rows')
return(list(netmatfig = g2, loadingsfig = g3, netmat=netmat, loadingsummary = loadingsummary))
# plot for the true component of Y
out_true1 = plotNetwork_change(Sytrue[,1], title=expression("True S"["Jy"]*", 1"),qmin=0.005, qmax=0.995, path = 'extdata/new_mmp.csv')
out_true2 = plotNetwork_change(Sytrue[,2], title=expression("True S"["Jy"]*", 2"),qmin=0.005, qmax=0.995, path = 'extdata/new_mmp.csv')
# function plotNetwork_change is tailored for this compressed version data.
# The original function is called plotNetwork, which is set for the standard version of correlation matrix.
plot_grid(p1,p2,p3,p4,nrow = 2)
This is a wrapper function that performs the centering, standardization, initial estimation (applying separate LNGCA, i.e., separate JB, and then matching scores), whitening, and final estimation (using the curvilinear algorithm) in a single function. This is the easiest way to apply sing.
output = singR(dX =simdata$dX ,dY =simdata$dY ,individual = T)
In this section of the vignett, we provide the detailed steps that are performed in the function singR(). This can be useful when customizing the analyses or when working with very large datasets.
# Center X and Y
n = nrow(dX)
pX = ncol(dX)
pY = ncol(dY)
dXcentered <- dX - matrix(rowMeans(dX), n, pX, byrow = F)
dYcentered <- dY - matrix(rowMeans(dY), n, pY, byrow = F)
# JB on X
estX_JB = lngca(xData = dX, n.comp = n.comp.X, whiten = 'sqrtprec', restarts.pbyd = 20, distribution='JB') #Note: make n.comp=nsubjects-1 on real data when computationally feasible. For this tutorial, to save time, we have reduced to n.comp=12, which is a number greater than the true number of components.
Mx_JB = est.M.ols(sData = estX_JB$S, xData = dX)
# NOTE: for centered X, equivalent to xData %*% sData/(px-1)
Uxfull <- estX_JB$U
# Ax = Ux %*% Lx, where Lx is the whitened matrix from covariance matrix of dX.
# JB on Y
estY_JB = lngca(xData = dY, n.comp = n.comp.Y, whiten = 'sqrtprec', restarts.pbyd = 20, distribution='JB')
My_JB = est.M.ols(sData = estY_JB$S, xData = dY)
Uyfull <- estY_JB$U
# Greedy Match
matchMxMy = greedymatch(Mx_JB, My_JB, Ux = Uxfull, Uy = Uyfull)
# Use permutation test to get the p-value of each match.
permJoint <- permTestJointRank(matchMxMy$Mx,matchMxMy$My,alpha = 0.05,nperm = 1000)
pval_joint = permJoint$pvalues
joint_rank = permJoint$rj
joint_rank # the true value in this example is 2.
# For X
# Scale rowwise
est.sigmaXA = tcrossprod(dXcentered)/(pX-1) ## dXcentered %*% t(dXcentered), which is the covariance matrix with n x n.
whitenerXA = est.sigmaXA%^%(-0.5) # ZCA Whitening, Lx.
xDataA = whitenerXA %*% dXcentered # Xw = Lx %*% Xc.matrix with n x px.
invLx = est.sigmaXA%^%(0.5) # Inverse matrix of Lx, which is the whitenerXA aforemetioned.
# For Y
# Scale rowwise
est.sigmaYA = tcrossprod(dYcentered)/(pY-1) ## since already centered, can just take tcrossprod
whitenerYA = est.sigmaYA%^%(-0.5) # ZCA Whitening
yDataA = whitenerYA %*% dYcentered
invLy = est.sigmaYA%^%(0.5)
# Calculate JB values
JBall = calculateJB(matchMxMy$Ux[1:joint_rank, ], X = xDataA) + calculateJB(matchMxMy$Uy[1:joint_rank, ], X = yDataA)
# the columns of Ux & Uy are up to the joint_rank
## Small rho
rho = JBall/10
# medium rho, rho = JBall
# large rho, rho = JBall * 10
out_indiv_small <- curvilinear_c(invLx = invLx, invLy = invLy, xData = xDataA, yData = yDataA, Ux = matchMxMy$Ux, Uy = matchMxMy$Uy, rho = rho, maxiter = 1500, rj = joint_rank)
# curvilinear search with C code
#### Estimation by Small rho
Sx_rhoSmall = t(out_indiv_small$Ux[1:2, ] %*% xDataA)
Sy_rhoSmall = t(out_indiv_small$Uy[1:2, ] %*% yDataA)
#### Signchange for estimation
Sx_rhoSmall = signchange(Sx_rhoSmall)
Sy_rhoSmall = signchange(Sy_rhoSmall)
xii_new <- newdata_xifti(xii_template, cbind(Sxtrue,Sx_rhoSmall))
view_xifti_surface(select_xifti(xii_new,3),zlim = c(-2.43,2.82)) # component1 small rho
view_xifti_surface(select_xifti(xii_new,4),zlim = c(-2.43,2.82)) # component2 small rho
out_rhoSmall1 = plotNetwork_change(Sy_rhoSmall[,1], title=expression("Estimate S"["Jy"]*", 1"),qmin=0.005, qmax=0.995, path = 'extdata/new_mmp.csv')
out_rhoSmall2 = plotNetwork_change(Sy_rhoSmall[,2], title=expression("Estimate S"["Jy"]*", 2"),qmin=0.005, qmax=0.995, path = 'extdata/new_mmp.csv')
plot_grid(p5,p6,p7,p8,nrow = 2)