🅰️ My Portfolio Website 🔗
I built this for my personal portfolio. Feel free to use it, make sure to update your data and star this repository 🌟 Built with react.js. All contributions welcome.
to update website data, make chages to in /src/data/resume/overview.json
edit the value for the profile_img
key in /src/data/assets/assets.json
to a link to your profile image.
to update website data, make chages to in /src/data/projects/project-data.json
to update website data, make chages to in /src/data/resume/resume-data.json
this is a two step process (unless we have the same name 😂)
- replace the resume in
with your own. - edit the filename in
make changes to the github, linkedin, twitter and medium links by changing the links in /src/data/social/social.json
replace favicon in /public
the /src/data/links/links.json
file is used to display extra external navigation links in the navigation bar.
data structure
"links": [ - The array of link objects - Can be an empty array.
"title": "Timeline", - The label for the link
"url": "https://timeline.adityachakraborti.com", - The url of the link
"target": "_blank" - Optional: The target, or where we want to display the link
you can have an empty array of links if you do not have any links to list on the navigation bar
"links": []