Here's a list of my repos categorized by subject. Most of them were created to learn or teach something. I like to learn by building projects (from books, courses and tutorials) and by doing programming exercises (from books, Leetcode, HackerRank, Exercism, Koans etc.). Most of the frameworks projects are deployed on Heroku, if you want to check them out.
Design Patterns (work in progress)
- Book: Eric Freeman, Elisabeth Robson - Head First Design Patterns — hfdp2e
Spring Framework (most recent framework I've learned)
- Course: John Thompson - Spring Framework 5: Beginner to Guru (Certificate)
- Book: Craig Walls - Spring in Action — sia5-taco-cloud
- Tutorial: Java Brains - Spring Boot Quick Start — javabrains-course-api
- Tutorial: Amigoscode - Spring Boot Tutorial — amigoscode-spring-demo
- Tutorial: AlgaWorks - Unit Testing Controllers with Spring MockMVC 🇧🇷 — algaworks-testes-mockmvc
- Tutorial: AlgaWorks - How to Create a REST API with Spring Boot 🇧🇷 — algaworks-algacrm-api
- Challenge: Comics API — comics-api (very recent)
Ruby on Rails
- Book: Michael Hartl - Ruby on Rails Tutorial
- hello-app
- toy-app
- sample_app (work in progress)
- Tutorial: Andy Leverenz - Build your first Rails app — rails-demo-blog
- Course: Angela Yu - The Complete Flutter Development Bootcamp (work in progress)
- Tutorial: Flutter Team - Write your first Flutter app — startup-namer
- Tutorial: The Net Ninja - Flutter Tutorial for Beginners — flutter-tutorial-for-beginners
Java (most recent programming language I've learned)
- Book: Herbert Schildt - Java: A Beginner's Guide — java-beginners-guide
- Book: Bryson Payne - Learn Java the Easy Way — learn-java-the-easy-way
- Exercises: Exercism - Java track — exercism-java
- Advent of Code 2021 (most of my answers were written in Ruby) — advent-of-code-2021
- Exercises: Exercism - Ruby track — exercism-ruby
- Exercises: Ruby Koans — ruby-koans (forked from edgecase)
- Exercises: Python Koans — python-koans (forked from gregmalcolm)
- Exercises: Python Sandbox — python-sandbox (forked from bradtraversy)
- Exercises: Exercism - Dart track — exercism-dart
Web Development (HTML, CSS, JavaScript)
- Tutorial: The Net Ninja - JavaScript Tutorials for Beginners — javascript-tutorials-for-beginners
- Tutorial: The Net Ninja - HTML & CSS Crash Course Tutorial — html-and-css-crash-course
- Tutorial: JavaScript Mastery - HTML in One Hour — html-in-one-hour
Lecturer at Federal University of Alagoas 🇧🇷
- Introduction to Python and OOP (2020) — sisb093-2020ple (remote classes)
- Introduction to mobile development with Flutter (2020) — sisb020-2020ple (remote classes)
- C programming and data structures (2019) — sisb087-20192
- Web development with Ruby on Rails and Git fundamentals (2019) — sisb031-20192
- Analysis of algorithms (2019) — sisb014-20192