Get Yahoo Financial Quotes using yours stored cookies (in mozilla format). The purpose is to use in Open Office Calc sheets.
Howto (Mac OSX):
Install an extension in your browser to export cookies in Mozilla format. cookies.txt works ok in Chrome:
Login into your yahoo account and export the cookies for yahoo site
Change line 10 with the file path of cookies.txt saved from previous step (exported from your browser)
Put into '/Users/uname/Library/Application Support/OpenOffice/4/user/Scripts/python', or equivalent if not OSX (search for's user directory)
Check if the python macro was loaded in Openoffice, opening Tools -> Macros -> Organize Macros -> Python. It should appears as show in the image below:
In a new/one spreadsheet, go to Tools -> Macros -> Organize Macros -> Openoffice Basic
Select My Macros -> Standard and clique New
Put the content of openoffice_module.basic file in the window opened (Open Office Basic), save and close the window
Put in any cell: =YAHOO_GETQUOTE("SYMBOL")
The SYMBOL quote for today (default yahoo delay applies!) should appear in the cell. Examples: