This document is written to help you with your workflow.
$ cdt && g co master
Pay attention if you are really in the master. If you're modifying some file, you're probably on your branch.
save your files:
$ g stash && g co master
OBS: Do this on master
$ g pull upstream master
$ g push origin master
Clean modules from the packages folder once a week.
$ ant all
$ g co <nome da branch>
Now that everything is up to date, bring back your saved changes.
OBS: Do this on your branch
$ g stash apply
Check if your container is running
$ d ps
If it's not running, then start the container
$ d start <nome ou hash do container>
Open another terminal flap to run the catalina.
catalina's path
cd dev/bundles/master/tomcat-9.0.53/bin
$ ./ run
$ code .
This is our workflow
Now you can continue making changes to your code after updating your portal.