Simple mongoDb operations:
P.init (pIn)
P.createCollection (collectionName)
P.deleteOne (ob, cb)
P.deleteMany (ob, cb)
P.doReportErr (reportErr)
P.find (queryOb, projectionOb, cb)
P.findOne (queryOb, projectionOb, cb)
P.genObjectId (hexString)
P.getPrimaryKeys (cb)
P.getSecondaryKeys (keypath, cb)
P.insert (ob, cb)
P.listCollections (cb)
P.listDatabases (cb)
P.listUsers (cb)
P.listUriCollection ()
P.remove (ob, cb)
P.setCbs (cb, errCb)
P.setCollection (collectionName)
P.setDatabase (dbName)
P.setHost (host)
P.setPort (port)
P.setUserPwd (user, pwd)
P.updateOne (queryOb, updateOb, cb)
P.updateMany (queryOb, updateOb, cb)
P.upsertOne (queryOb, upsertOb, cb)
P.upsertMany (queryOb, upsertOb, cb)
P.updateUri (doCallInfoCb)
$ npm install go-mongo
var mo = new require ('go-mongo') ();
var pretty = require ('js-beautify').js_beautify;
function pr (jstr) {
return pretty (JSON.stringify (jstr));
mo.init ({dbName: 'test', collectionName: 'col'});
var doc = {key0: 'val1'};
console.log ('doc to be inserted: ' + pr (doc) + '\n');
mo.insert ({key0: 'val1'}, function (res) {
console.log ('insert.res: ' + pr (res) + '\n');
mo.find ({}, {}, function (res) {
console.log ('find.res: ' + pr (res) + '\n');
mo.remove ({key0:'val1'}, function (res) {
console.log ('remove.res: ' + pr (res) + '\n');
mo.find ({}, {}, function (res) {
console.log ('Verifying empty collection after removing document (empty array)-- find.res\n' + pr (res) + '\n');
doc to be inserted: {
"key0": "val1"
insert.res: {
"result": {
"ok": 1,
"n": 1
"ops": [{
"key0": "val1",
"_id": "58a8bc2d21ba96a745ff7748"
"insertedCount": 1,
"insertedIds": ["58a8bc2d21ba96a745ff7748"]
find.res: [{
"_id": "58a8bc2d21ba96a745ff7748",
"key0": "val1"
remove.res: {
"n": 1,
"ok": 1
Verifying empty collection after removing document (empty array)-- find.res