This is an example YUI compressor implementation for Websphere Commerce, however the implementation is very basic and can be used anywhere.
You will need your own ant properties. This implementation expects:
- The path to your source directory containing the javascriptprop.jar.yui_compress=yuicompressor-2.4.8pre.jar
- The YUI compression library
The source directory given will be looped, each file will be minified. Each file will be given name -min.js.
There is an included JSTLEnvironmentSetup.jspf that demonstrates how you can pass a URL parameter to enable usage of the minified scripts during development.
- Example page include:
<script language="javascript" src="<c:out value="${jsSearchURI}"/>" ></script>
- Parameter and environment configuration needs to be in place to enable / disable minification as needed
- See the JSTLEnvironmentSetup for more details on the setup
You will need to ensure you have the ant-contrib libraries installed in your ant lib directory. Otherwise, you can just put this project in your eclipse workspace, or just checkout to the filesystem and run with ant.
- Will delete the min files in the source directorycompress.js.loop
- Will minify all the files in the source directory
The normal implementation for WC version 7+ is WCBD. You'll want to add this process at the point when your static
files are synced to the web server. Look for in wcbd-build-common.xml
of your wcbd files.