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#0: Add programming examples for TT-Metalium multi-device native APIs
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cfjchu committed Jan 31, 2025
1 parent 9d69fb1 commit f708212
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Showing 12 changed files with 365 additions and 0 deletions.
5 changes: 5 additions & 0 deletions tests/scripts/t3000/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -22,6 +22,11 @@ run_t3000_ttmetal_tests() {
./build/test/tt_metal/unit_tests_dispatch_${ARCH_NAME} --gtest_filter="CommandQueueMultiDevice*Fixture.*" ; fail+=$?
./build/test/tt_metal/unit_tests_debug_tools_${ARCH_NAME} --gtest_filter="DPrintFixture.*:WatcherFixture.*" ; fail+=$?

# Programming examples

# Record the end time
end_time=$(date +%s)
duration=$((end_time - start_time))
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1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions tt_metal/api/tt-metalium/mesh_workload.hpp
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Expand Up @@ -13,6 +13,7 @@ namespace tt::tt_metal::distributed {
// Use this definition for now, since CoreRange contains several utility functions required
// in the MeshWorkload context. CoreRange can eventually be renamed to Range2D.
using LogicalDeviceRange = CoreRange;
using DeviceCoord = CoreCoord;
using RuntimeArgsPerCore = std::vector<std::vector<RuntimeArgsData>>;

class MeshCommandQueue;
Expand Down
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions tt_metal/programming_examples/CMakeLists.txt
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Expand Up @@ -22,6 +22,7 @@ CREATE_PGM_EXAMPLES_EXE("${PROGRAMMING_EXAMPLES_SRCS}" "") # no subdir, output b


Expand Down
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@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
add_executable(distributed_program_dispatch ${DISTRIBUTED_PROGRAM_DISPATCH_SRC})


target_include_directories(distributed_program_dispatch PRIVATE ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR})

Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: © 2025 Tenstorrent Inc.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0

#include <tt-metalium/distributed.hpp>

// Stand-alone example demonstrating usage of native multi-device TT-Metalium APIs
// for issuing a program dispatch across a mesh of devices.
int main(int argc, char** argv) {
using namespace tt::tt_metal::distributed;

auto mesh_device = MeshDevice::create(MeshDeviceConfig{.mesh_shape{2, 4}});
auto& cq = mesh_device->mesh_command_queue();

// In a typical single-device fashion, instantiate a program with
// an example compute kernel targeting a 2x2 core range.
auto example_program = CreateProgram();
auto target_tensix_cores = CoreRange{
CoreCoord{0, 0} /* start_coord */, CoreCoord{1, 1} /* end_coord */

auto compute_kernel_id = CreateKernel(
ComputeConfig{.compile_args = {}});

// Configure the runtime arguments for the kernel.
auto runtime_args = std::vector<uint32_t>{};
SetRuntimeArgs(example_program, compute_kernel_id, target_tensix_cores, runtime_args);

// Instantiate a MeshWorkload and attach the example program. We'll broadcast
// this program by enqueueing it across all devices in our 2x4 mesh.
auto mesh_workload = CreateMeshWorkload();
auto target_devices = LogicalDeviceRange{
DeviceCoord{0, 0} /* start_coord */,
DeviceCoord{mesh_device->num_cols(), mesh_device->num_rows()} /* end_coord */

AddProgramToMeshWorkload(mesh_workload, example_program, target_devices);
EnqueueMeshWorkload(cq, mesh_workload, false /* blocking */);

// Synchronize the mesh command queue to ensure the workload has completed.

return 0;
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: © 2025 Tenstorrent Inc.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0

#include "debug/dprint.h" // required in all kernels using DPRINT
#include "compute_kernel_api.h"

namespace NAMESPACE {

void MAIN {
// Nothing to compute. Print respond message.
// Make sure to export TT_METAL_DPRINT_CORES=0,0 before runtime.

DPRINT_MATH(DPRINT << "Hello, World! I'm running a void compute kernel." << ENDL());

} // namespace NAMESPACE
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
add_executable(distributed_buffer_rw ${DISTRIBUTED_BUFFER_RW_SRC})


target_include_directories(distributed_buffer_rw PRIVATE ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR})

Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: © 2025 Tenstorrent Inc.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0

#include <tt-metalium/distributed.hpp>
#include <tt-metalium/mesh_buffer.hpp>

// Stand-alone example demonstrating usage of native multi-device TT-Metalium APIs
// for issuing Read and Write commands to a distributed memory buffer spanning
// multiple devices in a mesh.
// The example demonstrates how to:
// 1. Perform a lock-step allocation of a distributed L1 MeshBuffer
// containing data scattered across multiple devices in a mesh
// 2. Enqueue a Write command to the MeshBuffer with random data
// 3. Enqueue a Read command to the MeshBuffer and read back the data to a local buffer
// 4. Verify that the data read back matches the original data
int main(int argc, char** argv) {
using namespace tt::tt_metal::distributed;
using tt::tt_metal::distributed::ShardedBufferConfig;

auto mesh_device = MeshDevice::create(MeshDeviceConfig{.mesh_shape{2, 4}});
auto& cq = mesh_device->mesh_command_queue();

// Define the shape of the shard and the distributed buffer.
// We will create a distributed buffer with 8 shards of {32, 32} and distribute it across the devices in the mesh.
auto shard_shape = Shape2D{32, 32};
auto distributed_buffer_shape = Shape2D{32 * mesh_device->num_rows(), 32 * mesh_device->num_cols()};
uint32_t tile_size_bytes = detail::TileSize(tt::DataFormat::UInt32);
uint32_t distributed_buffer_size_bytes = 64 * 128 * tile_size_bytes;

auto local_buffer_config = DeviceLocalBufferConfig{
.page_size = tile_size_bytes,
.buffer_type = BufferType::L1,
.buffer_layout = TensorMemoryLayout::INTERLEAVED,
.bottom_up = false};
auto distributed_buffer_config = ShardedBufferConfig{
.global_size = distributed_buffer_size_bytes,
.global_buffer_shape = distributed_buffer_shape,
.shard_shape = shard_shape};

// Allocate a distributed buffer in L1 memory, spanning devices in the mesh.
auto mesh_buffer = MeshBuffer::create(distributed_buffer_config, local_buffer_config, mesh_device.get());

// Enqueue a write to the distributed buffer (L1 banks across devices) with random data.
std::vector<uint32_t> src_data = create_random_vector_of_bfloat16(
distributed_buffer_size_bytes, 1, std::chrono::system_clock::now().time_since_epoch().count());
EnqueueWriteMeshBuffer(cq, mesh_buffer, src_data);

// Enqueue a read from the distributed buffer (L1 banks across devices) to a local buffer.
std::vector<uint32_t> read_back_data{};
EnqueueReadMeshBuffer(cq, read_back_data, mesh_buffer, true /* blocking */);

// Data read back across all devices in the mesh should match the original data.
assert(src_data == read_back_data);

return 0;
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
add_executable(distributed_eltwise_add ${DISTRIBUTED_ELTWISE_ADD_SRC})


target_include_directories(distributed_eltwise_add PRIVATE ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR})

Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,172 @@
// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: © 2025 Tenstorrent Inc.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0

#include <functional>

#include <tt-metalium/distributed.hpp>
#include <tt-metalium/bfloat16.hpp>

using namespace tt;
using namespace tt::tt_metal;
using namespace tt::tt_metal::distributed;

Program CreateEltwiseAddProgram(
const std::shared_ptr<MeshBuffer>& a,
const std::shared_ptr<MeshBuffer>& b,
const std::shared_ptr<MeshBuffer>& c,
size_t tile_size_bytes,
uint32_t num_tiles) {
auto program = CreateProgram();
auto target_tensix_core = CoreRange(CoreCoord{0, 0});

// Add circular buffers for data movement
constexpr uint32_t src0_cb_index = tt::CBIndex::c_0;
constexpr uint32_t num_input_tiles = 1;
CircularBufferConfig cb_src0_config =
CircularBufferConfig(num_input_tiles * tile_size_bytes, {{src0_cb_index, tt::DataFormat::Float16_b}})
.set_page_size(src0_cb_index, tile_size_bytes);
CBHandle cb_src0 = tt_metal::CreateCircularBuffer(program, target_tensix_core, cb_src0_config);

constexpr uint32_t src1_cb_index = tt::CBIndex::c_1;
CircularBufferConfig cb_src1_config =
CircularBufferConfig(num_input_tiles * tile_size_bytes, {{src1_cb_index, tt::DataFormat::Float16_b}})
.set_page_size(src1_cb_index, tile_size_bytes);
CBHandle cb_src1 = tt_metal::CreateCircularBuffer(program, target_tensix_core, cb_src1_config);

constexpr uint32_t output_cb_index = tt::CBIndex::c_16;
constexpr uint32_t num_output_tiles = 1;
CircularBufferConfig cb_output_config =
CircularBufferConfig(num_output_tiles * tile_size_bytes, {{output_cb_index, tt::DataFormat::Float16_b}})
.set_page_size(output_cb_index, tile_size_bytes);
CBHandle cb_output = tt_metal::CreateCircularBuffer(program, target_tensix_core, cb_output_config);

// Add data movement kernels
KernelHandle reader = CreateKernel(
DataMovementConfig{.processor = DataMovementProcessor::RISCV_1, .noc = NOC::RISCV_1_default});

KernelHandle writer = CreateKernel(
DataMovementConfig{.processor = DataMovementProcessor::RISCV_0, .noc = NOC::RISCV_0_default});

// Create the eltwise binary kernel
auto compute = CreateKernel(
.math_fidelity = MathFidelity::HiFi4,
.fp32_dest_acc_en = false,
.math_approx_mode = false,
.compile_args = {},
.defines = {{"ELTWISE_OP", "add_tiles"}, {"ELTWISE_OP_TYPE", "EltwiseBinaryType::ELWADD"}}});

// Set runtime arguments for each device
SetRuntimeArgs(program, reader, target_tensix_core, {a->address(), b->address(), num_tiles});
SetRuntimeArgs(program, writer, target_tensix_core, {c->address(), num_tiles});
SetRuntimeArgs(program, compute, target_tensix_core, {num_tiles});

return program;

// The example demonstrates distributed element-wise addition across a 2x4 mesh of devices:
// 1. Allocating distributed buffers that automatically shard data across the mesh
// 2. Initializing and distributing input data to each device's local memory
// 3. Executing a distributed compute kernel that performs element-wise addition
// in parallel across all devices
// 4. Gathering and validating the results from the distributed computation
// The example showcases TT-Metalium's ability to abstract away the complexity
// of distributed memory management and compute.
int main(int argc, char** argv) {
auto mesh_device = MeshDevice::create(MeshDeviceConfig{.mesh_shape{2, 4}});

// Define the global buffer shape and shard shape for distributed buffers
auto shard_shape = Shape2D{32, 32};
auto distributed_buffer_shape =
Shape2D{shard_shape.height() * mesh_device->num_rows(), shard_shape.width() * mesh_device->num_cols()};
auto num_tiles = 1;
auto tile_size_bytes = detail::TileSize(tt::DataFormat::Float16_b);
auto distributed_buffer_size_bytes = mesh_device->num_rows() * mesh_device->num_cols() * tile_size_bytes;

// Configure device-local buffer settings
auto local_buffer_config = DeviceLocalBufferConfig{
.page_size = tile_size_bytes,
.buffer_type = BufferType::DRAM,
.buffer_layout = TensorMemoryLayout::INTERLEAVED,
.bottom_up = false};
auto distributed_buffer_config = tt::tt_metal::distributed::ShardedBufferConfig{
.global_size = distributed_buffer_size_bytes,
.global_buffer_shape = distributed_buffer_shape,
.shard_shape = shard_shape,
.shard_orientation = ShardOrientation::ROW_MAJOR};

// Create distributed buffers for inputs and output
auto a = MeshBuffer::create(distributed_buffer_config, local_buffer_config, mesh_device.get());
auto b = MeshBuffer::create(distributed_buffer_config, local_buffer_config, mesh_device.get());
auto c = MeshBuffer::create(distributed_buffer_config, local_buffer_config, mesh_device.get());

// Create and initialize source data
constexpr float val_to_add = 0.5f;
std::vector<uint32_t> a_data =
create_random_vector_of_bfloat16(distributed_buffer_size_bytes, 1 /* rand_max_float */, 0 /* seed */);
std::vector<uint32_t> b_data = create_constant_vector_of_bfloat16(distributed_buffer_size_bytes, val_to_add);

// Write data to distributed buffers
auto& cq = mesh_device->mesh_command_queue();
EnqueueWriteMeshBuffer(cq, a, a_data, false /* blocking */);
EnqueueWriteMeshBuffer(cq, b, b_data, false /* blocking */);

// Create program for distributed computation
auto program = CreateEltwiseAddProgram(a, b, c, tile_size_bytes, num_tiles);

// Create mesh workload and broadcast the program across all devices
auto mesh_workload = CreateMeshWorkload();
auto device_range = LogicalDeviceRange{
DeviceCoord{0, 0} /* start_coord */,
DeviceCoord{mesh_device->num_cols(), mesh_device->num_rows()} /* end_coord */

AddProgramToMeshWorkload(mesh_workload, program, device_range);
EnqueueMeshWorkload(cq, mesh_workload, false /* blocking */);

// Read back results
std::vector<uint32_t> result_data(a_data.size(), 0);
EnqueueReadMeshBuffer(cq, result_data, c, true /* blocking */);

// Verify results
auto transform_to_golden = [val_to_add](const bfloat16& a) { return bfloat16(a.to_float() + val_to_add); };
std::vector<uint32_t> golden_data =
pack_bfloat16_vec_into_uint32_vec(unpack_uint32_vec_into_bfloat16_vec(a_data, transform_to_golden));

// Print partial results so we can see the output is correct (plus or minus some error due to BFP16 precision)
std::cout << "Partial results: (note we are running under BFP16. It's going to be less accurate)\n";
bfloat16* a_bf16 = reinterpret_cast<bfloat16*>(;
bfloat16* b_bf16 = reinterpret_cast<bfloat16*>(;
bfloat16* c_bf16 = reinterpret_cast<bfloat16*>(;
bfloat16* golden_bf16 = reinterpret_cast<bfloat16*>(;

size_t num_failures = 0;
auto total_values = result_data.size() * 2;
for (int i = 0; i < total_values; i++) {
if (!is_close(c_bf16[i].to_float(), golden_bf16[i].to_float())) {

std::cout << "Total values: " << total_values << "\n";
std::cout << "Distributed elementwise add verification: " << (total_values - num_failures) << " / " << total_values
<< " passed\n";
if (num_failures > 0) {
std::cout << "Distributed elementwise add verification failed with " << num_failures << " failures\n";
throw std::runtime_error("Distributed elementwise add verification failed");

return 0;
3 changes: 3 additions & 0 deletions tt_metal/programming_examples/distributed/CMakeLists.txt
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@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
7 changes: 7 additions & 0 deletions tt_metal/programming_examples/distributed/
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@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
# Distributed Programming Examples

This directory contains examples of distributed programming model using the TT-Metalium API.

They are intended to be simple demonstrations for distributed program dispatch, distributed memory management, and end-to-end distributed program execution.

Users familiar with the single-device TT-Metal programming model will find the distributed programming model to be a natural extension.

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