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#0: Add MeshProgram class
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  - Includes APIs to set MeshProgram configuration across entire MeshDevice
    or per device in the Mesh. APIs are analogous to Program config APIs
  - Basic getter APIs to return individual programs and state across MeshProgram
  - Relies on distribute_impl_ and distribute_to_mesh_device_ functions
    - distribute_impl_ serves as the MeshProgram entry point on the Controller
      or Executor to process attributes of this data structure on host(s)
    - This function is currently implemented as a simple loop, but it can be
      swapped out for a set of RPC calls on the Controller and asynchronous calls
      on the executor
    - distribute_to_mesh_device_impl_ serves as the interface between the MeshProgram
      on host and the MeshDevice. Curently used in EnqueueMeshProgram and implemented
      using a simple loop. Can be used to interface with TT-Fabric, once the infra is
  - Design aspects to consider as we go along:
    - Does a MeshProgram span Controllers, or is it limited to a Controller connected to
      a single cluster. APIs and heirachy may be easier with MeshProgram <--> Controller
      <--> MeshDevice mapping
    - For programs we want to broadcast, we don't need the host to perform repeated work
      across the entire device mesh (it currently does). Likely makes sense to have a bcast
      setting in the MeshProgram class, to ensure that host sets configuration data once
      with fast dispatch/fabric performing the bcast
    - Potential Hierarchy:
      - Controller populates MeshProgram with kernels, sems, CBs and RTAs (individual programs,
        single program bcast or multi-program bcast). Population can be done with a reimplementation
        of distributed_impl_ on the controller
      - MeshProgram is sent to Executors through a virtual CQ (RPC call + cq_id). This is through
        a specialized distribute_to_mesh_device_impl_ on the Controller.
      - Executors get a MeshProgram, which can be scattered or broadcasted through the specified CQ
        using Fast Dispatch and Fabric. Assembling FD/Fabric commands can be host intensive, and it
        would thus make sense to distribute these steps across Exectuors. Executors get the MeshProgram
        to the MeshDevice through a specialized distribute_to_mesh_device_impl_
   - For generic entry points to mutate Mesh data structures and send them to the Mesh device, we need
     generic distribute* functions that can accept any data type and perform generic processing (assemble
     FD commands, make RPC calls, send programs or data to MeshDevice, etc.)
  • Loading branch information
tt-asaigal committed Oct 10, 2024
1 parent fa69b0b commit dea1940
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// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: © 2023 Tenstorrent Inc.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0

#include <memory>
#include "command_queue_fixture.hpp"
#include "command_queue_test_utils.hpp"
#include "gtest/gtest.h"
#include "impl/buffers/buffer.hpp"
#include "impl/device/device.hpp"
#include "tt_metal/common/bfloat16.hpp"
#include "tt_metal/common/scoped_timer.hpp"
#include "tt_metal/host_api.hpp"
#include "tt_metal/detail/tt_metal.hpp"
#include "tt_metal/distributed/mesh_program.hpp"

using namespace tt::tt_metal;

struct CBConfig {
uint32_t cb_id;
uint32_t num_pages;
uint32_t page_size;
tt::DataFormat data_format;

struct DummyProgramConfig {
CoreRangeSet cr_set;
CBConfig cb_config;
uint32_t num_cbs;
uint32_t num_sems;

struct DummyProgramMultiCBConfig {
CoreRangeSet cr_set;
std::vector<CBConfig> cb_config_vector;
uint32_t num_sems;

void initialize_dummy_kernels(MeshProgram& mesh_program, const CoreRangeSet& cr_set) {
auto dummy_reader_kernel = CreateKernel(
mesh_program, "tt_metal/kernels/dataflow/blank.cpp", cr_set,
DataMovementConfig{.processor = DataMovementProcessor::RISCV_1, .noc = NOC::RISCV_1_default});

auto dummy_writer_kernel = CreateKernel(
mesh_program, "tt_metal/kernels/dataflow/blank.cpp", cr_set,
DataMovementConfig{.processor = DataMovementProcessor::RISCV_0, .noc = NOC::RISCV_0_default});

auto dummy_compute_kernel = CreateKernel(mesh_program, "tt_metal/kernels/compute/blank.cpp", cr_set, ComputeConfig{});

std::vector<CBHandle> initialize_dummy_circular_buffers(MeshProgram& mesh_program, const CoreRangeSet& cr_set, const std::vector<CBConfig>& cb_configs)
std::vector<CBHandle> cb_handles;
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < cb_configs.size(); i++) {
const CBConfig& cb_config = cb_configs[i];
const uint32_t cb_id = cb_config.cb_id;
const uint32_t cb_num_pages = cb_config.num_pages;
const uint32_t page_size = cb_config.page_size;
const uint32_t cb_size = cb_num_pages * page_size;
const tt::DataFormat data_format = cb_config.data_format;
const CircularBufferConfig circular_buffer_config = CircularBufferConfig(cb_size, {{cb_id, data_format}}).set_page_size(cb_id, page_size);
const CBHandle cb_handle = CreateCircularBuffer(mesh_program, cr_set, circular_buffer_config);
return cb_handles;

void initialize_dummy_semaphores(MeshProgram& mesh_program, const std::variant<CoreRange, CoreRangeSet>& core_ranges, const vector<uint32_t>& init_values)
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < init_values.size(); i++)
CreateSemaphore(mesh_program, core_ranges, init_values[i]);

bool cb_config_successful(std::shared_ptr<MeshDevice> mesh_device, MeshProgram &mesh_program, const DummyProgramMultiCBConfig & program_config){
bool pass = true;

// Need to use old APIs to read since we cannot allocate a buffer in the reserved space we're trying
// to read from
vector<uint32_t> cb_config_vector;
uint32_t cb_config_buffer_size = NUM_CIRCULAR_BUFFERS * UINT32_WORDS_PER_CIRCULAR_BUFFER_CONFIG * sizeof(uint32_t);

for (const CoreRange& core_range : program_config.cr_set.ranges()) {
for (const CoreCoord& core_coord : core_range) {
auto sem_base_addrs_across_mesh = mesh_program.get_sem_base_addr(mesh_device, core_coord, CoreType::WORKER);
uint32_t dev_idx = 0;
for (auto device : mesh_device->get_devices()) {
tt::tt_metal::detail::ReadFromDeviceL1(device, core_coord,,
cb_config_buffer_size, cb_config_vector);

uint32_t cb_addr = device->get_base_allocator_addr(HalMemType::L1);
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < program_config.cb_config_vector.size(); i++) {
const uint32_t index = program_config.cb_config_vector[i].cb_id * sizeof(uint32_t);
const uint32_t cb_num_pages = program_config.cb_config_vector[i].num_pages;
const uint32_t cb_size = cb_num_pages * program_config.cb_config_vector[i].page_size;
const bool addr_match = == ((cb_addr) >> 4);
const bool size_match = + 1) == (cb_size >> 4);
const bool num_pages_match = + 2) == cb_num_pages;
pass &= (addr_match and size_match and num_pages_match);

cb_addr += cb_size;
return pass;

bool test_dummy_EnqueueProgram_with_cbs(std::shared_ptr<MeshDevice> mesh_device, uint8_t cq_id, DummyProgramMultiCBConfig& program_config) {
MeshProgram mesh_program(mesh_device->get_devices().size());

initialize_dummy_circular_buffers(mesh_program, program_config.cr_set, program_config.cb_config_vector);
initialize_dummy_kernels(mesh_program, program_config.cr_set);
const bool is_blocking_op = false;
EnqueueMeshProgram(cq_id, mesh_program, mesh_device, is_blocking_op);
Finish(mesh_device, cq_id);
// return true;
return cb_config_successful(mesh_device, mesh_program, program_config);

bool test_dummy_EnqueueProgram_with_sems(std::shared_ptr<MeshDevice> mesh_device, uint8_t cq_id, MeshProgram& mesh_program, const DummyProgramConfig& program_config, const vector<vector<uint32_t>>& expected_semaphore_vals) {
TT_ASSERT(program_config.cr_set.size() == expected_semaphore_vals.size());

bool are_all_semaphore_values_correct = true;

const bool is_blocking_op = false;
EnqueueMeshProgram(cq_id, mesh_program, mesh_device, is_blocking_op);
Finish(mesh_device, cq_id);

uint32_t expected_semaphore_vals_idx = 0;
for (const CoreRange& core_range : program_config.cr_set.ranges())
const vector<uint32_t>& expected_semaphore_vals_for_core = expected_semaphore_vals[expected_semaphore_vals_idx];
TT_ASSERT(expected_semaphore_vals_for_core.size() == program_config.num_sems);
for (const CoreCoord& core_coord : core_range)
auto sem_base_addrs_across_mesh = mesh_program.get_sem_base_addr(mesh_device, core_coord, CoreType::WORKER);
uint32_t dev_idx = 0;
for (auto device : mesh_device->get_devices()) {
vector<uint32_t> semaphore_vals;
uint32_t expected_semaphore_vals_for_core_idx = 0;
const uint32_t semaphore_buffer_size = program_config.num_sems * hal.get_alignment(HalMemType::L1);
tt::tt_metal::detail::ReadFromDeviceL1(device, core_coord,, semaphore_buffer_size, semaphore_vals);
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < semaphore_vals.size(); i += (hal.get_alignment(HalMemType::L1) / sizeof(uint32_t)))
const bool is_semaphore_value_correct = semaphore_vals[i] == expected_semaphore_vals_for_core[expected_semaphore_vals_for_core_idx];
if (!is_semaphore_value_correct)
are_all_semaphore_values_correct = false;

return are_all_semaphore_values_correct;

bool test_dummy_EnqueueProgram_with_sems(std::shared_ptr<MeshDevice> mesh_device, uint8_t cq_id, const DummyProgramConfig& program_config) {
MeshProgram mesh_program(mesh_device->get_devices().size());

vector<uint32_t> expected_semaphore_values;

for (uint32_t initial_sem_value = 0; initial_sem_value < program_config.num_sems; initial_sem_value++) {

initialize_dummy_semaphores(mesh_program, program_config.cr_set, expected_semaphore_values);
return test_dummy_EnqueueProgram_with_sems(mesh_device, cq_id, mesh_program, program_config, {expected_semaphore_values});

TEST(MeshProgram, TestMeshProgramCB) {
std::shared_ptr<MeshDevice> mesh_device = MeshDevice::create(MeshDeviceConfig(MeshShape{2, 4}, MeshType::RowMajor));
CoreRange cr({0, 0}, {0, 0});
CoreRangeSet cr_set({cr});

CBConfig cb_config = {.cb_id=0, .num_pages = 4, .page_size = 2048, .data_format = tt::DataFormat::Float16_b};

DummyProgramMultiCBConfig config = {.cr_set = cr_set, .cb_config_vector = {cb_config} };
EXPECT_EQ(true, test_dummy_EnqueueProgram_with_cbs(mesh_device, 0, config));

TEST(MeshProgram, TestMeshProgramSem) {
std::shared_ptr<MeshDevice> mesh_device = MeshDevice::create(MeshDeviceConfig(MeshShape{2, 4}, MeshType::RowMajor));
CoreCoord worker_grid_size = mesh_device->compute_with_storage_grid_size();

CoreRange cr({0, 0}, {worker_grid_size.x - 1, worker_grid_size.y - 1});
CoreRangeSet cr_set({cr});

DummyProgramConfig config = {.cr_set = cr_set, .num_sems = NUM_SEMAPHORES};

EXPECT_TRUE(test_dummy_EnqueueProgram_with_sems(mesh_device, 0, config));
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144 changes: 144 additions & 0 deletions tt_metal/distributed/mesh_program.cpp
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// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: © 2023 Tenstorrent Inc.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0

#include "mesh_program.hpp"
#include "tt_metal/host_api.hpp"
#include "tt_metal/detail/tt_metal.hpp"

namespace tt::tt_metal {

MeshProgram::MeshProgram(std::size_t num_devices) {
for (int i = 0; i < num_devices; ++i) {

Program& MeshProgram::at(std::size_t device_index) {
TT_ASSERT(device_index < this->program.size());
return *this->;

std::vector<uint32_t> MeshProgram::get_sem_base_addr(std::shared_ptr<MeshDevice> mesh_device, CoreCoord logical_core, CoreType core_type) const {
return this->distributed_impl_(
std::variant<std::function<uint32_t(Program&)>, std::function<uint32_t(Program&, Device*)>>(
std::function<uint32_t(Program&, Device*)>(
[logical_core, core_type](Program& program, Device* device) -> uint32_t {
return program.get_sem_base_addr(device, logical_core, core_type);

uint32_t CreateSemaphore(
MeshProgram& mesh_program,
const std::variant<CoreRange, CoreRangeSet> &core_spec,
uint32_t initial_value,
CoreType core_type) {
return mesh_program.distributed_impl_(
[&core_spec, initial_value, core_type] (Program& program) -> uint32_t {
return CreateSemaphore(program, core_spec, initial_value, core_type);

uint32_t CreateSemaphore(
MeshProgram& mesh_program,
const std::variant<CoreRange, CoreRangeSet> &core_spec,
uint32_t initial_value,
CoreType core_type,
chip_id_t device_id) {
return CreateSemaphore(, core_spec, initial_value, core_type);

CBHandle CreateCircularBuffer(
MeshProgram& mesh_program,
const std::variant<CoreCoord, CoreRange, CoreRangeSet> &core_spec,
const CircularBufferConfig &config) {
return mesh_program.distributed_impl_(
[&core_spec, &config] (Program& program) -> CBHandle {
return CreateCircularBuffer(program, core_spec, config);

CBHandle CreateCircularBuffer(
MeshProgram& mesh_program,
const std::variant<CoreCoord, CoreRange, CoreRangeSet> &core_spec,
const CircularBufferConfig &config,
chip_id_t device_id) {
return CreateCircularBuffer(, core_spec, config);

void SetRuntimeArgs(
MeshProgram& mesh_program,
KernelHandle kernel,
const std::variant<CoreCoord, CoreRange, CoreRangeSet> &core_spec,
const std::vector<uint32_t> &runtime_args) {
[kernel, &core_spec, &runtime_args] (Program& program) -> void {
return SetRuntimeArgs(program, kernel, core_spec, runtime_args);

void SetRuntimeArgs(
MeshProgram& mesh_program,
KernelHandle kernel,
const std::variant<CoreCoord, CoreRange, CoreRangeSet> &core_spec,
const std::vector<uint32_t> &runtime_args,
chip_id_t device_id) {
SetRuntimeArgs(, kernel, core_spec, runtime_args);

KernelHandle CreateKernel(
MeshProgram& mesh_program,
const std::string &file_name,
const std::variant<CoreCoord, CoreRange, CoreRangeSet> &core_spec,
const std::variant<DataMovementConfig, ComputeConfig, EthernetConfig> &config) {
return mesh_program.distributed_impl_(
[&file_name, &core_spec, &config] (Program& program) -> KernelHandle {
return CreateKernel(program, file_name, core_spec, config);

KernelHandle CreateKernel(
MeshProgram& mesh_program,
const std::string &file_name,
const std::variant<CoreCoord, CoreRange, CoreRangeSet> &core_spec,
const std::variant<DataMovementConfig, ComputeConfig, EthernetConfig> &config,
chip_id_t device_id) {
return CreateKernel(, file_name, core_spec, config);

void EnqueueMeshProgram(
uint8_t cq_id, MeshProgram& mesh_program, std::shared_ptr<MeshDevice> mesh_device, bool blocking) {
std::function<void(Program&, Device*)>(
[cq_id, blocking] (Program& program, Device* device) -> void {
EnqueueProgram(device->command_queue(cq_id), program, blocking);

void Finish(std::shared_ptr<MeshDevice> mesh_device, uint8_t cq_id) {
for (auto device : mesh_device->get_devices()) {


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