All post-commit tests #26594
1 error and 6 notices
ttnn group 12 tests:
AssertionError: assert 0 == (0 - 1)
+ where 0 = len([])
+ and 0 = len([])
+ where [] = <built-in method get_buffer_pages of PyCapsule object at 0x7f1fb55f3d20>()
+ where <built-in method get_buffer_pages of PyCapsule object at 0x7f1fb55f3d20> = <module 'ttnn._ttnn.reports'>.get_buffer_pages
+ where <module 'ttnn._ttnn.reports'> = <module 'ttnn._ttnn' from '/home/ubuntu/actions-runner/_work/tt-metal/tt-metal/.local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/ttnn/'>.reports
+ where <module 'ttnn._ttnn' from '/home/ubuntu/actions-runner/_work/tt-metal/tt-metal/.local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/ttnn/'> = ttnn._ttnn
ttnn group 12 tests
[DEPRECATION] This action is deprecated. Please migrate to reading the Docker image from the pipeline.
Set up runner
Disk usage is 71 %
Set up runner
Touching and printing out SMI info
Set up runner
tt-smi reset was successful
Set up runner
Hugepages service found. Command returned with exit code 3. Restarting it so we can ensure hugepages are available
Set up runner
Hugepages is now setup.