Temy Knowledge Base is a set of matrices for the different diciplines. Every matrix includes list of specific technologies, tools and methods required for:
- Android Apps Development
- iOS Apps Development
- Backend Systems Development
- Web Development
- Manual Testing
- Test Automation
Every topic in the matrix is split into the three levels:
- Qualified - required to perform basic work.
- Competent - allows to perform work efficiently.
- Expert - in-deth understanding of the topic.
Qualification levels are accumulative, meaning that Expert level includes all information from Qualified and Competent level.
Knowledge Base was created to self-check own knowledge on the discipline for the Engineers at Temy. It is also used to qualify Engineers to participate in diffirent projects. Topics from the matrix often contain links to the documentation or other materials to support learning.
Knowledge Base is created and maintaned by technology experts at Temy as part of the Competence Center. It is updated on the regular basis with the development of Software Engineering disciplines. You may find source code of the matrix and contributors on the [Github repository]({{ site.github.repository_url }})
Temy Knowledge Base is open source under GNU GPL v3 [license]({{ site.github.repository_url }}/blob/master/LICENSE).