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Search Attributes in Dev Server
To make testing easier, Temporalio.Testing.WorkflowEnvironment.StartLocalAsync
now accepts SearchAttributes
in its options to start the server with pre-created search attributes.
Client in Activity
It is a common use case to use a Temporal client in an activity. TemporalClient
is now available on the Temporalio.Activities.ActivityExecutionContext
to make this easier.
Activity Service Scope
For those using dependency injection, Temporalio.Extensions.Hosting.ActivityScope
is now available which provides access to both the activity instance and IServiceScope
to have access to the service provider in the activity or activity interceptor.
Specific Changes
2025-01-16 - 3dd6cca - Expose instance to workflows/activities and client to activities (#393)
2025-01-24 - b5ca854 - Accept search attributes for dev server (#289)
2025-02-03 - 69dfe5a - Updated the docs for IdReusePolicy property (#397)
2025-02-03 - 7b92674 - Fix issue where null timer summary breaks codec (#405)
2025-02-05 - 139a853 - Update Core & add HTTP Otel / Dev UI Port (#407)
2025-02-11 - 2b97703 - Document CA issues in AWS and Azure (#411)
2025-02-11 - f2ba7dd - Reserve __temporal prefix (#410)