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Update SonarSource/sonarcloud-github-action digest to 02ef911 #82

Update SonarSource/sonarcloud-github-action digest to 02ef911

Update SonarSource/sonarcloud-github-action digest to 02ef911 #82

Workflow file for this run

-name: Install and configure AppMap
# You may pin to the exact commit or the version.
uses: getappmap/install-action@e9eac587c6d5361ce9c3594b2cadcc0be474965ab
# Command working directory.
directory: # optional
# appmap.yml configuration contents.
appmap-config: # optional
# Type of project to be configured. Valid values include bundler, yarn, npm, gradle, maven, pip, pipenv, and poetry. Consult for more information.
project-type: # optional
# Build file to be configured, in case of ambiguity. This is an advanced option.
build-file: # optional
# Installer name to be used, in case of ambiguity. This is an advanced option.
installer-name: # optional
# URL to the AppMap tools. By default, the latest version will be downloaded and installed.
tools-url: # optional
# The GitHub token to use with the GitHub API to enumerate AppMap Tools releases. Most commonly, you'll use `secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN`, which is automatically provided by GitHub.
github-token: # optional, default is ${{ github.token }}
# Add the .appmap directory to .gitignore, if it's not already present.
ignore-dot-appmap: # optional, default is true
# Install the AppMap command-line tools.
install-appmap-tools: # optional, default is true
# Install the and configure the AppMap language library.
install-appmap-library: # optional, default is true
# Create a patch file of changes made by the installer.
build-patch-file: # optional, default is true
# Path specification to use when creating the patch file. If the patch file includes files that you don't want to commit, you can use this option to exclude them.
diff-path-spec: # optional, default is . ':(exclude,top)vendor' ':(exclude,top)node_modules'
# Expected value of the appmap_dir in appmap.yml. If this input is provided, the action will verify that the configured appmap_dir matches the expected value. If the value does not match, the action will fail.
expected-appmap-dir: # optional
# Enable verbose logging.
verbose: # optional