This set of modules make up Pentaho's core platform and business analytics server.
This module contains common interfaces used by the platform. APIs for the plugin system, repository, security, and many others exist here.
This module contains core implementations of platform sub-systems and utility classes.
This module contains the JCR Jackrabbit repository implementation of the pentaho platform
This module contains the Quartz based scheduler implementation of the pentaho platform
This module contains a variety of capabilities used for various purposes within the platform
This module is a GWT front end for the pentaho platform, allowing users to navigate the repository, execute and schedule content, as well as administer the platform
This module creates the Pentaho Server archive and contains the samples and other content needed for the Pentaho Server.
Pentaho platform uses the maven framework.
- Maven, version 3+
- Java JDK 1.8
- This settings.xml in your /.m2 directory
This is a maven project, and to build it use the following command
mvn clean install
Optionally you can specify -Dmaven.test.skip=true to skip the tests (even though you shouldn't as you know)
The build result will be a Pentaho package located in assemblies/pentaho-server/. Then, this package can be dropped inside your system folder.
Unit tests
This will run all tests in the project (and sub-modules).
$ mvn test
If you want to remote debug a single java unit test (default port is 5005):
$ cd core
$ mvn test -Dtest=<<YourTest>> -Dmaven.surefire.debug
Integration tests In addition to the unit tests, there are integration tests in the core project.
$ mvn verify -DrunITs
To run a single integration test:
$ mvn verify -DrunITs -Dit.test=<<YourIT>>
To run a single integration test in debug mode (for remote debugging in an IDE) on the default port of 5005:
$ mvn verify -DrunITs -Dit.test=<<YourIT>> -Dmaven.failsafe.debug
To skip test
$ mvn clean install -DskipTests
To get log as text file
$ mvn clean install test >log.txt
- Don't use IntelliJ's built-in maven. Make it use the same one you use from the commandline.
- Project Preferences -> Build, Execution, Deployment -> Build Tools -> Maven ==> Maven home directory
For issue tracking and bug report please use
[Jira]( Its master branch is built upon commit
merges in [Jenkins Continuous Integration](