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jvscholz committed Jul 15, 2024
1 parent c3cbc16 commit d6d4e41
Showing 1 changed file with 73 additions and 4 deletions.
77 changes: 73 additions & 4 deletions nvim/lua/j/plugins/telescope.lua
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,5 +1,74 @@
return {
'nvim-telescope/telescope.nvim', tag = '0.1.8',
-- or , branch = '0.1.x',
dependencies = { 'nvim-lua/plenary.nvim' }
dependencies = {
{ 'BurntSushi/ripgrep', 'nvim-telescope/telescope-fzf-native.nvim', build = 'make' }
config = function(lazy, opts)
local telescope = require('telescope')
defaults = {
wrap_result = true,
mappings = {
i = {
["<esc>"] = require("telescope.actions").close,
-- search history
["<C-Down>"] = require('telescope.actions').cycle_history_next,
["<C-Up>"] = require('telescope.actions').cycle_history_prev,
layout_strategy = "vertical",
layout_config = {
vertical = {
width = 0.9,
preview_cutoff = 10,
pickers = {
-- note: remove the 'builtin.' prefix.
["lsp_references"] = { wrap_results = true, },
["lsp_definitions"] = { wrap_results = true, },
["diagnostics"] = { wrap_results = true, },
["find_files"] = { wrap_results = true, },
["buffers"] = { sort_mru = true, ignore_current_buffer = true },

keys = {
-- See :help telescope.builtin
{ '<leader>fo', function()
require("telescope.builtin").oldfiles {
prompt_title = 'Recent files',
sort_mru= true
} end,
desc = "Old (recent) files"},
{'<leader><space>', '<cmd>Telescope buffers<cr>', desc = "Buffers"},
{'<leader>b', '<cmd>Telescope buffers<cr>', desc = "Buffers"},
{'<leader>p', '<cmd>Telescope buffers<cr>', desc = "Buffers"},

{'<leader>ff', '<cmd>Telescope find_files<cr>', desc = "Find filenames"},
{'<leader>fm', '<cmd>Telescope marks<cr>', desc = "Marks"},
{'<leader>fw', '<cmd>Telescope live_grep<cr>', desc = "Grep files"},
{'<leader>ld', '<cmd>Telescope diagnostics<cr>', desc = "diagnostics"},
{"<leader>fb", function()
require("telescope.builtin").live_grep {
prompt_title = 'grep open files',
grep_open_files = true }
end, desc = "Grep open files"},
{"<leader>fc", function() require("telescope.builtin").current_buffer_fuzzy_find() end, desc = "Grep this file"},
{"<leader>:", function() require("telescope.builtin").command_history { prompt_title = 'Command history' } end, desc = "cmd history"},
{ "<leader>ls", function()
local aerial_avail, _ = pcall(require, "aerial")
if aerial_avail then
end, desc = "Search symbols" },

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