Application for demonstrating surface blending with ROS.
Godel: Austrian logician and mathematician
Install wstool in order manage the repos inside the workspace
sudo apt install python-wstool
Cd into the 'src' directory of your catkin workspace and run the following:
wstool init . wstool merge wstool update rosdep install --from-paths . --ignore-src
Finally, to build:
catkin build
Run blending demo in full simulation mode (simulated robot and sensor)
roslaunch godel_irb2400_support irb2400_blending.launch
Run the simulation with real point cloud data:
roslaunch godel_irb2400_support irb2400_blending.launch real_pcd:=true pcd_location:=/path/to/file.pcd
Download pcd files and unzip in your HOME directory:
Run blending demo in robot simulation mode (simulated robot and real sensor data)
roslaunch godel_irb2400_support irb2400_blending.launch sim_sensor:=false
Run blending demo in sensor simulation mode (real robot and simulated sensor)
roslaunch godel_irb2400_support irb2400_blending.launch sim_robot:=false robot_ip:=[robot ip]
Run blending demo in full real mode
roslaunch godel_irb2400_support irb2400_blending.launch sim_sensor:=false sim_robot:=false robot_ip:=[robot ip]
- Rviz on Kinetic is prone to a segmentation fault caused by internal functions in the Qt library. Our current work-around is to set the following environment variable:
export QT_NO_FT_CACHE=1
packages define the interfaces that Godel uses to both perform surface reconstruction and tool path generation based on those reconstructions. -
The current default mesher works well for point clouds regions that can be accurately modeled by a convex polygon. The default blending tool planner only works well for planar meshes.
We are working on an experimental library for more arbitrary surface reconstruction and tool path planning in the noether package.
- To use, first install the dependencies of noether, which include VTK 7.1 and PCL 1.8.
- Clone the noether package into your workspace.
- Clone the godel_noether package in your workspace.
- In your godel robot support package, e.g.
, modify the config/plugins.yaml file to read:
meshing_plugin_name: "godel_noether::NoetherMesher" blend_tool_planning_plugin_name: "godel_noether::NoetherPathPlanner"
To run the keyence laser scanner driver (replace
with the ip-address of your sensor):rosrun keyence_experimental keyence_driver_node _controller_ip:=KEYENCE_CONTROLLER_IP _frame_id:=keyence_sensor_optical_frame
- If you have issues connecting, ensure that the IP address matches that of the controller and ensure that your computer is on the same subnet.
To acquire laser scans and score them, run the following (replace
with your desired voxel size):roslaunch godel_scan_analysis scan_analysis.launch world_frame:=world_frame scan_frame:=keyence_sensor_optical_frame voxel_leaf_size:=VOXEL_SIZE_IN_METERS