Deploy Reminder
brew tap aws/tap
brew install aws-sam-cli
sam --version
sam build
sam local start-api
Should be able to access at: http://localhost:3000/hello
sam build
sam deploy --guided
Bash script
Take argument of reminder time
Gathers metadata
- username
- user email
- current timestamp
- time of code commit
- commit msg
- commit hash
- pipeline name
Posts data to storage (primary key = curr time + argument)
Webhook to post to lambda
parse event based on platform
store in table
Polling service (2nd lambda)
- cron job of per min
- if time now is past primary key, send email notification (in future, get slack name by email)
- remove record from storage
- set up pipeline
- set up buildkite webhook to send to endpoint (API Gateway)
job.finished => reminder