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IO Pipelines

Tan Wei Liang edited this page Jul 27, 2020 · 3 revisions

This page describes how input and output is handled by containers.

External Pipelines

External pipelines are for the containers to interact with the outside world (Amazon SQS).

Input pipeline Output pipeline

Internal Pipelines

Data is piped from the external pipelines into the executable.

Output from the executable is collected and piped into the external pipeline. Both standard output and standard error streams are merged.

REPL Example Compile Example

Compile-specific Pipelines

Compile mode images have 1-2 additional scripts to run.

Download pipeline Compile pipeline

The download script is for the container to retrieve the program to compile and execute.

The compile script is for languages that require an additional step to compile the program. If there are compilation errors in this step, they will be sent back to the client as output.

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