This ansible role deploys sonar for Ubuntu 12.04 (tested on vagrant)
- Having ansible installed on your workstation.
- optional postgresql and mysql server
- java either JDK or JRE depanding if your going to use java based projects
##How to install
- Use github to clone/fork in your role directory
- ansible galaxy
ansible-galaxy install babineaum.sonar
Mostly you would need to configure JDBC setting if you need to tweak more have a look at the default variables are located defaults/main.yml. By default h2 database will be used. You can still setup mysql or postgresql in the JDBC setting.
To install postgres or mysql search ansible-galaxy you can use ansible-galaxy install Ansibles.mysql
or ansible-galaxy install Ansibles.postgresql
sonar_jdbc_driver: You can use postgres, h2 or mysql
sonar_jdbc_driver: "h2"
sonar_jdbc_host: DB hostname
sonar_jdbc_host : ""
sonar_jdbc_port: DB port
sonar_jdbc_port : "9092"
sonar_jdbc_user: DB username
sonar_jdbc_user : "sonar"
sonar_jdbc_pass: DB password
sonar_jdbc_pass : "password"
sonar_jdbc_db: DB name
sonar_jdbc_pass : "sonardb"
##Configure You can configure your variables in ansible with one of the following
- Create a variable in host/group variables directory. (recommended)
- Editing var/main.yml
- Run ansible-playbook with -e
- Edit the default/main.yml (not recommended)
ansible-playbook -l hostname sonar.yml
##Possible issues