C language Nukikabe pencil-puzzle solver and generator.
What's going on behind the curtains? Here are some details...
The board is represented as a 2D array of cells bellonging to one of the 3 following types:
for water cells.LAND
for island cells.EMPTY
for cells that have not been set yet.
The generator picks a random cell from the board, sets it to WATER
and recurses in orthogonal cells, affecting them to LAND
randomly. For each itteration, the posibility of a 2 by 2 WATER
pool is checked ensuring that no such pools are created.
Once the algorithm explored all cells or got stuck, empty cells are affected to LAND
. If the largest island is larger than the number of rows or columns of the board minus 1, it cell are set to EMPTY
before re-calling the generator on an empty cell orthogonaly adjacent to a WATER
The hints are then asigned to a random cell of each island.