Community driven Classless MMO Framework. Proudly
founded by Lushen and based on AzerothCore and TrinityCore 😄
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AstoriaCore is a customized Version of AzerothCore and the private source of WaloriaCore by Fractional aka Fred. With this project we want to bring Classless to a new level. With many extensions, AstoriaCore is different from all other AzerothCore branches. AstoriaCore is the basis of the Classless Project "Project Astoria" which was managed by Lushen, Acidy and OMGhixD.
AstoriaCore (and its Scripts/Modules) is built with
- C++
- C
You want to create your own Classless Server? No problem, just get AstoriaCore! Here you will learn how:
- Visual Studio 2019 Community
- CMake 2.8 or newer
- GIT Extension
- MySQL Server Community Edition (8.0 or 5.7)
- OpenSSL 1.1.x (Not the Light version!)
- Boost 1.72.0
For OpenSSL install the Version you want to use depending on your System Core (x64 or x86)
This is an example of how to list things you need to use the software and how to install them.
git clone
- Database, Patch & LUA Scripts ->
Password: AC2021
Follow the AzerothCore Installation Documentation, to learn how to Compile and Build the Source.
Distributed under the GNU AGPL 3.0 and GNU GPL 2.0 Licenses. See LICENSE
for more information.
Discord - Lushen#4800
We want to provide you with maximum security, yet we did not write the base of the code ourselves but used it from other OpenSource projects like AzerothCore and TrinityCore. Therefore we do not guarantee security, correctness, usability of the code and all related programs, tools or Software you use. Also we do not guarantee direct support for our code. All code written by us you use on your own responsibility. We also reserve the right to exclude people from the community at any time who do not follow our guidelines or misuse code.