V2.9.5 RC for testing
- Config files can use block ID's instead of Materials - allows for custom blocks on some servers
- Team chat can be spied on by mods. Use /asadmin spy with permission: askyblock.mod.teamchatspy.
- API improvements - more methods and events
- Made purge work better with large servers
- Changed minimum protection size to 0 (was 50) to enable super-close-to-neighbor-island game variations.
- French locale updated
- Warp signs can now be wall signs.
- Portals now link up if a player makes one in the Island Nether and the Island World. i.e., players teleport between them.
- Items and entities like creatures and mine carts can go through portals.
- Enderchests can be used on any island if the player has the enderchest permission.
- Topbreeders admin command will only count island with more than 5 animals on them
- Added fire spread protection - see Island Guard settings in config.yml
- Added ability to disable death messages - see config.yml
- Added ability to allow PVP at the spawn island.
- Added ability to allow milking at spawn
- Added ability to allow picking up water or lava at spawn
- Descriptions in the maintop and control panel can now go multi-line by using the | character (add lore)
- Added /island uncoop to remove coop from a player without expelling them
Bug fixes
- Name changes were not being recognized properly
- Some admins saw NPE's with Essentials Protect and creeper explosions.
- Mods with bypass lock permission could not teleport to islands
- Fixed multi-home sethome exploit where players could set an extra home at 0 as well as 1, 2, etc.
- Fixed localization error with the island invite help. It was showing the /is help text and not specific text to island invite.
- Level change rewards were not working beyond the first level if there was a level with only one challenge in it
- NPEs were thrown if players without an island tried some island commands, like sethome and maintop
- Plugin was checking balance of player in the wrong world when they were trying to purchase biomes or complete a money balance challenge requirement. Only affected servers with multi-world economies.