RC candidate for testing
== Changes ==
=== New ===
- Rewards on completing a challenge level - can run commands, give permissions, money, etc. when a new level is unlocked.
- New config now set so it can be played immediately with an island distance of 200.
- Can now require that a player has a certain money balance to complete a challenge
- New, super-speedy level calculation.
- Commands can be run when a player starts an island for the first time, in addition to when they reset.
- Mob white list - if you want certain mobs to not be wiped out when a player logs in or does /island, you can add them to the list. Default protection is for wither, enderman and pig zombie. Change how you like.
- To improve lag, there is now the ability to limit villager numbers per player per island and the max number of hoppers an island can have. These are some of the top causes of entity lag and with reasonable limits, your players should be happier.
- The old way to insert player levels into chat text was not that great. Now, just add {ISLAND_LEVEL} into any chat format and it should be substituted with the player's island level.
- Team Chat - FTW! (Shout out to Mr. SheepSheep!) Now team members can chat between themselves and not have to bother others. Just do /island teamchat to toggle it on and off. It's just for the game session and switches off if you log out. Admins can configure the team chat prefix. New permission askyblock.team.chat, default on.
- Wither griefing protection - spawning a wither is a right of passage for any self-respecting island dweller, but it doesn't have to go and grief other islands right? This setting makes sure that what happens between an island dweller and a Wither, stays between the island dweller and the Wither.
- Warp panels! So, you have like 50 million welcome warps and who knows which are worth going to and which are just some newbie warp? Now you can experience multi-page warp panels with skinned heads! Every player's warp sign text is copied in the mouse-over so players can advertise their shops or islands and warpers can find decent places to go. Enjoy!
- Schematic panel icon ordering - now you can order the islands in the GUI. Use order: in the config.
- Color! Before color TV we had black and white. Now we have color in the control panel and mini-shop descriptions! OMG!
- Mod permission to bypass island lock - askyblock.mod.bypasslock - allow those Mods to get in and do their stuff without giving them full bypass mode.
- Safe home finding performance improvements - a player, you know the type, pours lava all over their island so they don't have anywhere safe to port to. In addition, their island protection size is 400x400. So when they hit /island your server crashes because it was looking everywhere for a safe spot. Not more! All of that is now done async (like the level calc) and it is *&#&$ fast. If there is a safe spot, it will be found. If not, the player will be told it's not safe. Time to delete and start again...
- New admin command to lock or unlock player's islands. /asadmin lock
- New events for developers to use via the API - see the JavaDocs
- Auto language selection - this apparently works (I haven't been able to test it) but it's based on the client's lang.
- New permission to use the lang command. If player's don't have this permission, then they will default back to the system language in locale.yml.
- New protection against "creeper griefing" were visitors get creepers to blow up so they can damage an island. Now if a creeper explodes due to a visitor it will hurt players, but not damage blocks. This protection is enabled by default.
- The new island nether is enabled by default now.
- Settings panel is updated with some extra icons around creeper and wither damage.
- German locale update.
Bug Fixes
- Resourceful players were creating traps for warpers. Fixes should help protect travelers from falling through open trapdoors, etc.
- Clever players had worked out an inventory dupe glitch when visitors are allowed to keep their inventory on death.
- Schematics containing 1.8 items might not have worked correctly.
- Arrows could break frames on the island spawn
- When recovering lava from obsidian, if a player had multiple buckets in their hand, it would take all of them.
- Some schematics could cause an NPE with certain text on a sign
- Changed how mod removal was done because server was filtering out large area requests. Same issue was sometimes blocking the admin topbreeders command from working