Database Repository of Project Nori
- Nori is currently on App Directory
- Or use Bot invite link
- More info regarding wynn features: Forum post
- AI response (conversation with memory)
- AI image generation
- AI Vision System
- Mathematical Computation:
- Algebraic Calculator
- Equation Solver
- Integral & Derivative Calculator
- Plot Generation
- Database Query and Caching (Owner only)
- Task manager, in chat TO-DO List (Owner only)
- Weather status
- Flight traffic status
- Menu page
- Bot status & Server list
- Check latency with url
- Customized timer
- Text to Image
- Server management (Owner only)
- Log & Scan System (Owner only)
- And more!
- Player Stats
- Guild Stats
- Raid Leaderboard
- Item Search/reroll
- Item Price-check
- Item scale/weigh
- Item changelog
- Ingredient search
- Class build search
- Recipe search
- Profession Leaderboard
- Server uptime & soul point timer
- Guild Tower Stats
- Guild XP contributed
- Guild Level xp requirement graph
- Forgery mythic probability graph
- Weekly Lootpool
- Work in progress
Memory for AI chat, support continuous conversationCompletedDecode specific strings & conversion (UTF-8)CompletedIn chat file management, file format conversionFile export completed- Image detection and text extraction
- Support games such as Destiny 2 API Endpoints
Automate tasks in the backgroundNow able to process up to 20 hours- And more...
Main code (bot structure & logic) is in a private repository that is synced with the host server. The public Nori repository (this one) has some of the functions and the database.
The bot uses Hikari, a static-typed microframework for Discord. Hikari is a lightweight and high-performance framework for discord bots. Nori also uses Lightbulb and Miru, which are plugins for Hikari.
Please contact me on Discord RawFish69
or join my discord server for any issues or questions.