This SDK supports all of the operations of Talon.One's Integration API and Management API.
The API is available at the same hostname as your Campaign Manager deployment.
For example, if you access the Campaign Manager at
the URL for the updateCustomerSessionV2 endpoint
Install the following dependencies:
go get
go get
go get
Put the package under your project folder and add the following in import:
import "./talon"
The following code shows an example of using the Integration API:
package main
import (
talon ""
func main() {
configuration := talon.NewConfiguration()
// Set API base path
configuration.Servers = talon.ServerConfigurations{
// Notice that there is no trailing '/'
URL: "",
Description: "Talon.One's API base URL",
// If you wish to inject a custom implementation of HTTPClient
// configuration.HTTPClient = &customHTTPClient
integrationClient := talon.NewAPIClient(configuration)
// Create integration authentication context using api key
integrationAuthContext := context.WithValue(context.Background(), talon.ContextAPIKeys, map[string]talon.APIKey{
"Authorization": {
Prefix: "ApiKey-v1",
Key: "fd1fd219b1e953a6b2700e8034de5bfc877462ae106127311ddd710978654312",
// Instantiating a NewCustomerSessionV2 struct
newCustomerSession := talon.NewCustomerSessionV2{
// You can use either struct literals
ProfileId: talon.PtrString("DEADBEEF"),
CouponCodes: &[]string{"Cool-Stuff!"},
// Or alternatively, using the relevant setter in a later stage in the code
Name: talon.PtrString("Pad Thai - Veggie"),
Sku: "pad-332",
Quantity: 1,
Price: talon.PtrFloat32(5.5),
Category: talon.PtrString("Noodles"),
Name: talon.PtrString("Chang"),
Sku: "chang-br-42",
Quantity: 1,
Price: talon.PtrFloat32(2.3),
Category: talon.PtrString("Beverages"),
// Instantiating a new IntegrationRequest
integrationRequest := talon.IntegrationRequest{
CustomerSession: newCustomerSession,
// Optional list of requested information to be present on the response.
// See docs/ for full list of supported values
// integrationRequest.SetResponseContent([]string{
// "customerSession",
// "customerProfile",
// "loyalty",
// })
// Create/update a customer session using `UpdateCustomerSessionV2` function
integrationState, _, err := integrationClient.IntegrationApi.
UpdateCustomerSessionV2(integrationAuthContext, "deetdoot_2").
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("ERROR while calling UpdateCustomerSessionV2: %s\n", err)
fmt.Printf("%#v\n", integrationState)
// Parsing the returned effects list, please consult for the full list of effects and their corresponding properties
for _, effect := range integrationState.GetEffects() {
effectType := effect.GetEffectType()
switch {
case "setDiscount" == effectType:
// Initiating right props instance according to the effect type
effectProps := talon.SetDiscountEffectProps{}
if err := decodeHelper(effect.GetProps(), &effectProps); err != nil {
fmt.Printf("ERROR while decoding 'setDiscount' props: %s\n", err)
// Access the specific effect's properties
fmt.Printf("Set a discount '%s' of %2.3f\n", effectProps.GetName(), effectProps.GetValue())
case "acceptCoupon" == effectType:
// Initiating right props instance according to the effect type
effectProps := talon.AcceptCouponEffectProps{}
if err := decodeHelper(effect.GetProps(), &effectProps); err != nil {
fmt.Printf("ERROR while decoding props: %s\n", err)
// Work with AcceptCouponEffectProps' properties
// ...
fmt.Printf("Encounter unknown effect type: %s\n", effectType)
// quick decoding of props-map into our library structures using JSON marshaling,
// or alternatively using a library like
func decodeHelper(propsMap map[string]interface{}, v interface{}) error {
propsJSON, err := json.Marshal(propsMap)
if err != nil {
return err
return json.Unmarshal(propsJSON, v)
The following code shows an example of using the Management API:
package main
import (
talon ""
func main() {
configuration := talon.NewConfiguration()
// Set API base path
configuration.Servers = talon.ServerConfigurations{
// Notice that there is no trailing '/'
URL: "",
Description: "Talon.One's API base URL",
// If you wish to inject a custom implementation of HTTPClient
// configuration.HTTPClient = &customHTTPClient
managementClient := talon.NewAPIClient(configuration)
// Create integration authentication context using the logged-in session
managerAuthContext := context.WithValue(context.Background(), talon.ContextAPIKeys, map[string]talon.APIKey{
"Authorization": talon.APIKey{
Prefix: "ManagementKey-v1",
Key: "2f0dce055da01ae595005d7d79154bae7448d319d5fc7c5b2951fadd6ba1ea07",
// Calling `GetApplication` function with the desired id (7)
application, response, err := managementClient.ManagementApi.
GetApplication(managerAuthContext, 7).
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("ERROR while calling GetApplication: %s\n", err)
fmt.Printf("%#v\n\n", application)
fmt.Printf("%#v\n\n", response)
All URLs are relative to
Class | Method | HTTP request | Description |
IntegrationApi | CreateAudienceV2 | Post /v2/audiences | Create audience |
IntegrationApi | CreateCouponReservation | Post /v1/coupon_reservations/{couponValue} | Create coupon reservation |
IntegrationApi | CreateReferral | Post /v1/referrals | Create referral code for an advocate |
IntegrationApi | CreateReferralsForMultipleAdvocates | Post /v1/referrals_for_multiple_advocates | Create referral codes for multiple advocates |
IntegrationApi | DeleteAudienceMembershipsV2 | Delete /v2/audiences/{audienceId}/memberships | Delete audience memberships |
IntegrationApi | DeleteAudienceV2 | Delete /v2/audiences/{audienceId} | Delete audience |
IntegrationApi | DeleteCouponReservation | Delete /v1/coupon_reservations/{couponValue} | Delete coupon reservations |
IntegrationApi | DeleteCustomerData | Delete /v1/customer_data/{integrationId} | Delete customer's personal data |
IntegrationApi | GenerateLoyaltyCard | Post /v1/loyalty_programs/{loyaltyProgramId}/cards | Generate loyalty card |
IntegrationApi | GetCustomerInventory | Get /v1/customer_profiles/{integrationId}/inventory | List customer data |
IntegrationApi | GetCustomerSession | Get /v2/customer_sessions/{customerSessionId} | Get customer session |
IntegrationApi | GetLoyaltyBalances | Get /v1/loyalty_programs/{loyaltyProgramId}/profile/{integrationId}/balances | Get customer's loyalty balances |
IntegrationApi | GetLoyaltyCardBalances | Get /v1/loyalty_programs/{loyaltyProgramId}/cards/{loyaltyCardId}/balances | Get card's point balances |
IntegrationApi | GetLoyaltyCardPoints | Get /v1/loyalty_programs/{loyaltyProgramId}/cards/{loyaltyCardId}/points | List card's unused loyalty points |
IntegrationApi | GetLoyaltyCardTransactions | Get /v1/loyalty_programs/{loyaltyProgramId}/cards/{loyaltyCardId}/transactions | List card's transactions |
IntegrationApi | GetLoyaltyProgramProfilePoints | Get /v1/loyalty_programs/{loyaltyProgramId}/profile/{integrationId}/points | List customer's unused loyalty points |
IntegrationApi | GetLoyaltyProgramProfileTransactions | Get /v1/loyalty_programs/{loyaltyProgramId}/profile/{integrationId}/transactions | List customer's loyalty transactions |
IntegrationApi | GetReservedCustomers | Get /v1/coupon_reservations/customerprofiles/{couponValue} | List customers that have this coupon reserved |
IntegrationApi | LinkLoyaltyCardToProfile | Post /v2/loyalty_programs/{loyaltyProgramId}/cards/{loyaltyCardId}/link_profile | Link customer profile to card |
IntegrationApi | ReopenCustomerSession | Put /v2/customer_sessions/{customerSessionId}/reopen | Reopen customer session |
IntegrationApi | ReturnCartItems | Post /v2/customer_sessions/{customerSessionId}/returns | Return cart items |
IntegrationApi | SyncCatalog | Put /v1/catalogs/{catalogId}/sync | Sync cart item catalog |
IntegrationApi | TrackEventV2 | Post /v2/events | Track event |
IntegrationApi | UpdateAudienceCustomersAttributes | Put /v2/audience_customers/{audienceId}/attributes | Update profile attributes for all customers in audience |
IntegrationApi | UpdateAudienceV2 | Put /v2/audiences/{audienceId} | Update audience name |
IntegrationApi | UpdateCustomerProfileAudiences | Post /v2/customer_audiences | Update multiple customer profiles' audiences |
IntegrationApi | UpdateCustomerProfileV2 | Put /v2/customer_profiles/{integrationId} | Update customer profile |
IntegrationApi | UpdateCustomerProfilesV2 | Put /v2/customer_profiles | Update multiple customer profiles |
IntegrationApi | UpdateCustomerSessionV2 | Put /v2/customer_sessions/{customerSessionId} | Update customer session |
ManagementApi | ActivateUserByEmail | Post /v1/users/activate | Enable user by email address |
ManagementApi | AddLoyaltyCardPoints | Put /v1/loyalty_programs/{loyaltyProgramId}/cards/{loyaltyCardId}/add_points | Add points to card |
ManagementApi | AddLoyaltyPoints | Put /v1/loyalty_programs/{loyaltyProgramId}/profile/{integrationId}/add_points | Add points to customer profile |
ManagementApi | CopyCampaignToApplications | Post /v1/applications/{applicationId}/campaigns/{campaignId}/copy | Copy the campaign into the specified Application |
ManagementApi | CreateAccountCollection | Post /v1/collections | Create account-level collection |
ManagementApi | CreateAchievement | Post /v1/applications/{applicationId}/campaigns/{campaignId}/achievements | Create achievement |
ManagementApi | CreateAdditionalCost | Post /v1/additional_costs | Create additional cost |
ManagementApi | CreateAttribute | Post /v1/attributes | Create custom attribute |
ManagementApi | CreateBatchLoyaltyCards | Post /v1/loyalty_programs/{loyaltyProgramId}/cards/batch | Create loyalty cards |
ManagementApi | CreateCampaignFromTemplate | Post /v1/applications/{applicationId}/create_campaign_from_template | Create campaign from campaign template |
ManagementApi | CreateCollection | Post /v1/applications/{applicationId}/campaigns/{campaignId}/collections | Create campaign-level collection |
ManagementApi | CreateCoupons | Post /v1/applications/{applicationId}/campaigns/{campaignId}/coupons | Create coupons |
ManagementApi | CreateCouponsAsync | Post /v1/applications/{applicationId}/campaigns/{campaignId}/coupons_async | Create coupons asynchronously |
ManagementApi | CreateCouponsDeletionJob | Post /v1/applications/{applicationId}/campaigns/{campaignId}/coupons_deletion_jobs | Creates a coupon deletion job |
ManagementApi | CreateCouponsForMultipleRecipients | Post /v1/applications/{applicationId}/campaigns/{campaignId}/coupons_with_recipients | Create coupons for multiple recipients |
ManagementApi | CreateInviteEmail | Post /v1/invite_emails | Resend invitation email |
ManagementApi | CreateInviteV2 | Post /v2/invites | Invite user |
ManagementApi | CreatePasswordRecoveryEmail | Post /v1/password_recovery_emails | Request a password reset |
ManagementApi | CreateSession | Post /v1/sessions | Create session |
ManagementApi | CreateStore | Post /v1/applications/{applicationId}/stores | Create store |
ManagementApi | DeactivateUserByEmail | Post /v1/users/deactivate | Disable user by email address |
ManagementApi | DeductLoyaltyCardPoints | Put /v1/loyalty_programs/{loyaltyProgramId}/cards/{loyaltyCardId}/deduct_points | Deduct points from card |
ManagementApi | DeleteAccountCollection | Delete /v1/collections/{collectionId} | Delete account-level collection |
ManagementApi | DeleteAchievement | Delete /v1/applications/{applicationId}/campaigns/{campaignId}/achievements/{achievementId} | Delete achievement |
ManagementApi | DeleteCampaign | Delete /v1/applications/{applicationId}/campaigns/{campaignId} | Delete campaign |
ManagementApi | DeleteCollection | Delete /v1/applications/{applicationId}/campaigns/{campaignId}/collections/{collectionId} | Delete campaign-level collection |
ManagementApi | DeleteCoupon | Delete /v1/applications/{applicationId}/campaigns/{campaignId}/coupons/{couponId} | Delete coupon |
ManagementApi | DeleteCoupons | Delete /v1/applications/{applicationId}/campaigns/{campaignId}/coupons | Delete coupons |
ManagementApi | DeleteLoyaltyCard | Delete /v1/loyalty_programs/{loyaltyProgramId}/cards/{loyaltyCardId} | Delete loyalty card |
ManagementApi | DeleteReferral | Delete /v1/applications/{applicationId}/campaigns/{campaignId}/referrals/{referralId} | Delete referral |
ManagementApi | DeleteStore | Delete /v1/applications/{applicationId}/stores/{storeId} | Delete store |
ManagementApi | DeleteUser | Delete /v1/users/{userId} | Delete user |
ManagementApi | DeleteUserByEmail | Post /v1/users/delete | Delete user by email address |
ManagementApi | DestroySession | Delete /v1/sessions | Destroy session |
ManagementApi | DisconnectCampaignStores | Delete /v1/applications/{applicationId}/campaigns/{campaignId}/stores | Disconnect stores |
ManagementApi | ExportAccountCollectionItems | Get /v1/collections/{collectionId}/export | Export account-level collection's items |
ManagementApi | ExportAchievements | Get /v1/applications/{applicationId}/campaigns/{campaignId}/achievements/{achievementId}/export | Export achievement customer data |
ManagementApi | ExportAudiencesMemberships | Get /v1/audiences/{audienceId}/memberships/export | Export audience members |
ManagementApi | ExportCampaignStores | Get /v1/applications/{applicationId}/campaigns/{campaignId}/stores/export | Export stores |
ManagementApi | ExportCollectionItems | Get /v1/applications/{applicationId}/campaigns/{campaignId}/collections/{collectionId}/export | Export campaign-level collection's items |
ManagementApi | ExportCoupons | Get /v1/applications/{applicationId}/export_coupons | Export coupons |
ManagementApi | ExportCustomerSessions | Get /v1/applications/{applicationId}/export_customer_sessions | Export customer sessions |
ManagementApi | ExportCustomersTiers | Get /v1/loyalty_programs/{loyaltyProgramId}/export_customers_tiers | Export customers' tier data |
ManagementApi | ExportEffects | Get /v1/applications/{applicationId}/export_effects | Export triggered effects |
ManagementApi | ExportLoyaltyBalance | Get /v1/loyalty_programs/{loyaltyProgramId}/export_customer_balance | Export customer loyalty balance to CSV |
ManagementApi | ExportLoyaltyBalances | Get /v1/loyalty_programs/{loyaltyProgramId}/export_customer_balances | Export customer loyalty balances |
ManagementApi | ExportLoyaltyCardBalances | Get /v1/loyalty_programs/{loyaltyProgramId}/export_card_balances | Export all card transaction logs |
ManagementApi | ExportLoyaltyCardLedger | Get /v1/loyalty_programs/{loyaltyProgramId}/cards/{loyaltyCardId}/export_log | Export card's ledger log |
ManagementApi | ExportLoyaltyCards | Get /v1/loyalty_programs/{loyaltyProgramId}/cards/export | Export loyalty cards |
ManagementApi | ExportLoyaltyLedger | Get /v1/loyalty_programs/{loyaltyProgramId}/profile/{integrationId}/export_log | Export customer's transaction logs |
ManagementApi | ExportPoolGiveaways | Get /v1/giveaways/pools/{poolId}/export | Export giveaway codes of a giveaway pool |
ManagementApi | ExportReferrals | Get /v1/applications/{applicationId}/export_referrals | Export referrals |
ManagementApi | GetAccessLogsWithoutTotalCount | Get /v1/applications/{applicationId}/access_logs/no_total | Get access logs for Application |
ManagementApi | GetAccount | Get /v1/accounts/{accountId} | Get account details |
ManagementApi | GetAccountAnalytics | Get /v1/accounts/{accountId}/analytics | Get account analytics |
ManagementApi | GetAccountCollection | Get /v1/collections/{collectionId} | Get account-level collection |
ManagementApi | GetAchievement | Get /v1/applications/{applicationId}/campaigns/{campaignId}/achievements/{achievementId} | Get achievement |
ManagementApi | GetAdditionalCost | Get /v1/additional_costs/{additionalCostId} | Get additional cost |
ManagementApi | GetAdditionalCosts | Get /v1/additional_costs | List additional costs |
ManagementApi | GetApplication | Get /v1/applications/{applicationId} | Get Application |
ManagementApi | GetApplicationApiHealth | Get /v1/applications/{applicationId}/health_report | Get Application health |
ManagementApi | GetApplicationCustomer | Get /v1/applications/{applicationId}/customers/{customerId} | Get application's customer |
ManagementApi | GetApplicationCustomerFriends | Get /v1/applications/{applicationId}/profile/{integrationId}/friends | List friends referred by customer profile |
ManagementApi | GetApplicationCustomers | Get /v1/applications/{applicationId}/customers | List application's customers |
ManagementApi | GetApplicationCustomersByAttributes | Post /v1/applications/{applicationId}/customer_search | List application customers matching the given attributes |
ManagementApi | GetApplicationEventTypes | Get /v1/applications/{applicationId}/event_types | List Applications event types |
ManagementApi | GetApplicationEventsWithoutTotalCount | Get /v1/applications/{applicationId}/events/no_total | List Applications events |
ManagementApi | GetApplicationSession | Get /v1/applications/{applicationId}/sessions/{sessionId} | Get Application session |
ManagementApi | GetApplicationSessions | Get /v1/applications/{applicationId}/sessions | List Application sessions |
ManagementApi | GetApplications | Get /v1/applications | List Applications |
ManagementApi | GetAttribute | Get /v1/attributes/{attributeId} | Get custom attribute |
ManagementApi | GetAttributes | Get /v1/attributes | List custom attributes |
ManagementApi | GetAudienceMemberships | Get /v1/audiences/{audienceId}/memberships | List audience members |
ManagementApi | GetAudiences | Get /v1/audiences | List audiences |
ManagementApi | GetAudiencesAnalytics | Get /v1/audiences/analytics | List audience analytics |
ManagementApi | GetCampaign | Get /v1/applications/{applicationId}/campaigns/{campaignId} | Get campaign |
ManagementApi | GetCampaignAnalytics | Get /v1/applications/{applicationId}/campaigns/{campaignId}/analytics | Get analytics of campaigns |
ManagementApi | GetCampaignByAttributes | Post /v1/applications/{applicationId}/campaigns_search | List campaigns that match the given attributes |
ManagementApi | GetCampaignGroup | Get /v1/campaign_groups/{campaignGroupId} | Get campaign access group |
ManagementApi | GetCampaignGroups | Get /v1/campaign_groups | List campaign access groups |
ManagementApi | GetCampaignTemplates | Get /v1/campaign_templates | List campaign templates |
ManagementApi | GetCampaigns | Get /v1/applications/{applicationId}/campaigns | List campaigns |
ManagementApi | GetChanges | Get /v1/changes | Get audit logs for an account |
ManagementApi | GetCollection | Get /v1/applications/{applicationId}/campaigns/{campaignId}/collections/{collectionId} | Get campaign-level collection |
ManagementApi | GetCollectionItems | Get /v1/collections/{collectionId}/items | Get collection items |
ManagementApi | GetCouponsWithoutTotalCount | Get /v1/applications/{applicationId}/campaigns/{campaignId}/coupons/no_total | List coupons |
ManagementApi | GetCustomerActivityReport | Get /v1/applications/{applicationId}/customer_activity_reports/{customerId} | Get customer's activity report |
ManagementApi | GetCustomerActivityReportsWithoutTotalCount | Get /v1/applications/{applicationId}/customer_activity_reports/no_total | Get Activity Reports for Application Customers |
ManagementApi | GetCustomerAnalytics | Get /v1/applications/{applicationId}/customers/{customerId}/analytics | Get customer's analytics report |
ManagementApi | GetCustomerProfile | Get /v1/customers/{customerId} | Get customer profile |
ManagementApi | GetCustomerProfileAchievementProgress | Get /v1/applications/{applicationId}/achievement_progress/{integrationId} | List customer achievements |
ManagementApi | GetCustomerProfiles | Get /v1/customers/no_total | List customer profiles |
ManagementApi | GetCustomersByAttributes | Post /v1/customer_search/no_total | List customer profiles matching the given attributes |
ManagementApi | GetEventTypes | Get /v1/event_types | List event types |
ManagementApi | GetExports | Get /v1/exports | Get exports |
ManagementApi | GetLoyaltyCard | Get /v1/loyalty_programs/{loyaltyProgramId}/cards/{loyaltyCardId} | Get loyalty card |
ManagementApi | GetLoyaltyCardTransactionLogs | Get /v1/loyalty_programs/{loyaltyProgramId}/cards/{loyaltyCardId}/logs | List card's transactions |
ManagementApi | GetLoyaltyCards | Get /v1/loyalty_programs/{loyaltyProgramId}/cards | List loyalty cards |
ManagementApi | GetLoyaltyPoints | Get /v1/loyalty_programs/{loyaltyProgramId}/profile/{integrationId} | Get customer's full loyalty ledger |
ManagementApi | GetLoyaltyProgram | Get /v1/loyalty_programs/{loyaltyProgramId} | Get loyalty program |
ManagementApi | GetLoyaltyProgramTransactions | Get /v1/loyalty_programs/{loyaltyProgramId}/transactions | List loyalty program transactions |
ManagementApi | GetLoyaltyPrograms | Get /v1/loyalty_programs | List loyalty programs |
ManagementApi | GetLoyaltyStatistics | Get /v1/loyalty_programs/{loyaltyProgramId}/statistics | Get loyalty program statistics |
ManagementApi | GetReferralsWithoutTotalCount | Get /v1/applications/{applicationId}/campaigns/{campaignId}/referrals/no_total | List referrals |
ManagementApi | GetRoleV2 | Get /v2/roles/{roleId} | Get role |
ManagementApi | GetRuleset | Get /v1/applications/{applicationId}/campaigns/{campaignId}/rulesets/{rulesetId} | Get ruleset |
ManagementApi | GetRulesets | Get /v1/applications/{applicationId}/campaigns/{campaignId}/rulesets | List campaign rulesets |
ManagementApi | GetStore | Get /v1/applications/{applicationId}/stores/{storeId} | Get store |
ManagementApi | GetUser | Get /v1/users/{userId} | Get user |
ManagementApi | GetUsers | Get /v1/users | List users in account |
ManagementApi | GetWebhook | Get /v1/webhooks/{webhookId} | Get webhook |
ManagementApi | GetWebhookActivationLogs | Get /v1/webhook_activation_logs | List webhook activation log entries |
ManagementApi | GetWebhookLogs | Get /v1/webhook_logs | List webhook log entries |
ManagementApi | GetWebhooks | Get /v1/webhooks | List webhooks |
ManagementApi | ImportAccountCollection | Post /v1/collections/{collectionId}/import | Import data into existing account-level collection |
ManagementApi | ImportAllowedList | Post /v1/attributes/{attributeId}/allowed_list/import | Import allowed values for attribute |
ManagementApi | ImportAudiencesMemberships | Post /v1/audiences/{audienceId}/memberships/import | Import audience members |
ManagementApi | ImportCampaignStores | Post /v1/applications/{applicationId}/campaigns/{campaignId}/stores/import | Import stores |
ManagementApi | ImportCollection | Post /v1/applications/{applicationId}/campaigns/{campaignId}/collections/{collectionId}/import | Import data into existing campaign-level collection |
ManagementApi | ImportCoupons | Post /v1/applications/{applicationId}/campaigns/{campaignId}/import_coupons | Import coupons |
ManagementApi | ImportLoyaltyCards | Post /v1/loyalty_programs/{loyaltyProgramId}/import_cards | Import loyalty cards |
ManagementApi | ImportLoyaltyCustomersTiers | Post /v1/loyalty_programs/{loyaltyProgramId}/import_customers_tiers | Import customers into loyalty tiers |
ManagementApi | ImportLoyaltyPoints | Post /v1/loyalty_programs/{loyaltyProgramId}/import_points | Import loyalty points |
ManagementApi | ImportPoolGiveaways | Post /v1/giveaways/pools/{poolId}/import | Import giveaway codes into a giveaway pool |
ManagementApi | ImportReferrals | Post /v1/applications/{applicationId}/campaigns/{campaignId}/import_referrals | Import referrals |
ManagementApi | InviteUserExternal | Post /v1/users/invite | Invite user from identity provider |
ManagementApi | ListAccountCollections | Get /v1/collections | List collections in account |
ManagementApi | ListAchievements | Get /v1/applications/{applicationId}/campaigns/{campaignId}/achievements | List achievements |
ManagementApi | ListAllRolesV2 | Get /v2/roles | List roles |
ManagementApi | ListCatalogItems | Get /v1/catalogs/{catalogId}/items | List items in a catalog |
ManagementApi | ListCollections | Get /v1/applications/{applicationId}/campaigns/{campaignId}/collections | List collections in campaign |
ManagementApi | ListCollectionsInApplication | Get /v1/applications/{applicationId}/collections | List collections in Application |
ManagementApi | ListStores | Get /v1/applications/{applicationId}/stores | List stores |
ManagementApi | NotificationActivation | Put /v1/notifications/{notificationId}/activation | Activate or deactivate notification |
ManagementApi | OktaEventHandlerChallenge | Get /v1/provisioning/okta | Validate Okta API ownership |
ManagementApi | PostAddedDeductedPointsNotification | Post /v1/loyalty_programs/{loyaltyProgramId}/notifications/added_deducted_points | Create notification about added or deducted loyalty points |
ManagementApi | PostCatalogsStrikethroughNotification | Post /v1/applications/{applicationId}/catalogs/notifications/strikethrough | Create strikethrough notification |
ManagementApi | PostPendingPointsNotification | Post /v1/loyalty_programs/{loyaltyProgramId}/notifications/pending_points | Create notification about pending loyalty points |
ManagementApi | RemoveLoyaltyPoints | Put /v1/loyalty_programs/{loyaltyProgramId}/profile/{integrationId}/deduct_points | Deduct points from customer profile |
ManagementApi | ResetPassword | Post /v1/reset_password | Reset password |
ManagementApi | ScimCreateUser | Post /v1/provisioning/scim/Users | Create SCIM user |
ManagementApi | ScimDeleteUser | Delete /v1/provisioning/scim/Users/{userId} | Delete SCIM user |
ManagementApi | ScimGetResourceTypes | Get /v1/provisioning/scim/ResourceTypes | List supported SCIM resource types |
ManagementApi | ScimGetSchemas | Get /v1/provisioning/scim/Schemas | List supported SCIM schemas |
ManagementApi | ScimGetServiceProviderConfig | Get /v1/provisioning/scim/ServiceProviderConfig | Get SCIM service provider configuration |
ManagementApi | ScimGetUser | Get /v1/provisioning/scim/Users/{userId} | Get SCIM user |
ManagementApi | ScimGetUsers | Get /v1/provisioning/scim/Users | List SCIM users |
ManagementApi | ScimPatchUser | Patch /v1/provisioning/scim/Users/{userId} | Update SCIM user attributes |
ManagementApi | ScimReplaceUserAttributes | Put /v1/provisioning/scim/Users/{userId} | Update SCIM user |
ManagementApi | SearchCouponsAdvancedApplicationWideWithoutTotalCount | Post /v1/applications/{applicationId}/coupons_search_advanced/no_total | List coupons that match the given attributes (without total count) |
ManagementApi | SearchCouponsAdvancedWithoutTotalCount | Post /v1/applications/{applicationId}/campaigns/{campaignId}/coupons_search_advanced/no_total | List coupons that match the given attributes in campaign (without total count) |
ManagementApi | TransferLoyaltyCard | Put /v1/loyalty_programs/{loyaltyProgramId}/cards/{loyaltyCardId}/transfer | Transfer card data |
ManagementApi | UpdateAccountCollection | Put /v1/collections/{collectionId} | Update account-level collection |
ManagementApi | UpdateAchievement | Put /v1/applications/{applicationId}/campaigns/{campaignId}/achievements/{achievementId} | Update achievement |
ManagementApi | UpdateAdditionalCost | Put /v1/additional_costs/{additionalCostId} | Update additional cost |
ManagementApi | UpdateAttribute | Put /v1/attributes/{attributeId} | Update custom attribute |
ManagementApi | UpdateCampaign | Put /v1/applications/{applicationId}/campaigns/{campaignId} | Update campaign |
ManagementApi | UpdateCollection | Put /v1/applications/{applicationId}/campaigns/{campaignId}/collections/{collectionId} | Update campaign-level collection's description |
ManagementApi | UpdateCoupon | Put /v1/applications/{applicationId}/campaigns/{campaignId}/coupons/{couponId} | Update coupon |
ManagementApi | UpdateCouponBatch | Put /v1/applications/{applicationId}/campaigns/{campaignId}/coupons | Update coupons |
ManagementApi | UpdateLoyaltyCard | Put /v1/loyalty_programs/{loyaltyProgramId}/cards/{loyaltyCardId} | Update loyalty card status |
ManagementApi | UpdateReferral | Put /v1/applications/{applicationId}/campaigns/{campaignId}/referrals/{referralId} | Update referral |
ManagementApi | UpdateRoleV2 | Put /v2/roles/{roleId} | Update role |
ManagementApi | UpdateStore | Put /v1/applications/{applicationId}/stores/{storeId} | Update store |
ManagementApi | UpdateUser | Put /v1/users/{userId} | Update user |
- AcceptCouponEffectProps
- AcceptReferralEffectProps
- AccessLogEntry
- Account
- AccountAdditionalCost
- AccountAnalytics
- AccountDashboardStatistic
- AccountDashboardStatisticCampaigns
- AccountDashboardStatisticDiscount
- AccountDashboardStatisticLoyaltyPoints
- AccountDashboardStatisticReferrals
- AccountDashboardStatisticRevenue
- AccountEntity
- AccountLimits
- Achievement
- AchievementAdditionalProperties
- AchievementProgress
- ActivateUserRequest
- AddFreeItemEffectProps
- AddItemCatalogAction
- AddLoyaltyPoints
- AddLoyaltyPointsEffectProps
- AddToAudienceEffectProps
- AddedDeductedPointsNotificationPolicy
- AdditionalCampaignProperties
- AdditionalCost
- AnalyticsDataPoint
- AnalyticsDataPointWithTrend
- AnalyticsDataPointWithTrendAndInfluencedRate
- AnalyticsDataPointWithTrendAndUplift
- AnalyticsProduct
- AnalyticsProductSku
- ApiError
- Application
- ApplicationAnalyticsDataPoint
- ApplicationApiHealth
- ApplicationApiKey
- ApplicationCampaignAnalytics
- ApplicationCampaignStats
- ApplicationCif
- ApplicationCifExpression
- ApplicationCustomer
- ApplicationCustomerEntity
- ApplicationEntity
- ApplicationEvent
- ApplicationNotification
- ApplicationReferee
- ApplicationSession
- ApplicationSessionEntity
- ApplicationStoreEntity
- AsyncCouponCreationResponse
- AsyncCouponDeletionJobResponse
- Attribute
- AttributesMandatory
- AttributesSettings
- Audience
- AudienceAnalytics
- AudienceCustomer
- AudienceIntegrationId
- AudienceMembership
- AwardGiveawayEffectProps
- BaseCampaign
- BaseLoyaltyProgram
- BaseNotification
- BaseNotificationEntity
- BaseNotificationWebhook
- BaseNotifications
- BaseSamlConnection
- Binding
- BulkApplicationNotification
- BulkCampaignNotification
- BulkOperationOnCampaigns
- Campaign
- CampaignActivationRequest
- CampaignAnalytics
- CampaignBudget
- CampaignCollection
- CampaignCollectionEditedNotification
- CampaignCollectionWithoutPayload
- CampaignCopy
- CampaignCreatedNotification
- CampaignDeletedNotification
- CampaignEditedNotification
- CampaignEntity
- CampaignEvaluationGroup
- CampaignEvaluationPosition
- CampaignEvaluationTreeChangedNotification
- CampaignGroup
- CampaignGroupEntity
- CampaignNotification
- CampaignNotificationPolicy
- CampaignRulesetChangedNotification
- CampaignSearch
- CampaignSet
- CampaignSetBranchNode
- CampaignSetLeafNode
- CampaignSetNode
- CampaignStateChangedNotification
- CampaignStoreBudget
- CampaignTemplate
- CampaignTemplateCollection
- CampaignTemplateCouponReservationSettings
- CampaignTemplateParams
- CampaignVersions
- CardAddedDeductedPointsNotificationPolicy
- CardExpiringPointsNotificationPolicy
- CardExpiringPointsNotificationTrigger
- CardLedgerPointsEntryIntegrationApi
- CardLedgerTransactionLogEntry
- CardLedgerTransactionLogEntryIntegrationApi
- CartItem
- Catalog
- CatalogAction
- CatalogActionFilter
- CatalogItem
- CatalogSyncRequest
- CatalogsStrikethroughNotificationPolicy
- Change
- ChangeLoyaltyTierLevelEffectProps
- ChangeProfilePassword
- CodeGeneratorSettings
- Collection
- CollectionItem
- CollectionWithoutPayload
- Coupon
- CouponConstraints
- CouponCreatedEffectProps
- CouponCreationJob
- CouponDeletionFilters
- CouponDeletionJob
- CouponLimitConfigs
- CouponRejectionReason
- CouponReservations
- CouponSearch
- CouponValue
- CouponsNotificationPolicy
- CreateAchievement
- CreateApplicationApiKey
- CreateManagementKey
- CreateTemplateCampaign
- CreateTemplateCampaignResponse
- CustomEffect
- CustomEffectProps
- CustomerActivityReport
- CustomerAnalytics
- CustomerInventory
- CustomerProfile
- CustomerProfileAudienceRequest
- CustomerProfileAudienceRequestItem
- CustomerProfileIntegrationRequestV2
- CustomerProfileIntegrationResponseV2
- CustomerProfileSearchQuery
- CustomerProfileUpdateV2Response
- CustomerSession
- CustomerSessionV2
- DeactivateUserRequest
- DeductLoyaltyPoints
- DeductLoyaltyPointsEffectProps
- DeleteUserRequest
- Effect
- EffectEntity
- EmailEntity
- Endpoint
- Entity
- EntityWithTalangVisibleId
- Environment
- ErrorEffectProps
- ErrorResponse
- ErrorResponseWithStatus
- ErrorSource
- EvaluableCampaignIds
- Event
- EventType
- EventV2
- ExpiringCouponsNotificationPolicy
- ExpiringCouponsNotificationTrigger
- ExpiringPointsNotificationPolicy
- ExpiringPointsNotificationTrigger
- Export
- FeatureFlag
- FeaturesFeed
- FuncArgDef
- FunctionDef
- GenerateCampaignDescription
- GenerateCampaignTags
- GenerateItemFilterDescription
- GenerateLoyaltyCard
- GenerateRuleTitle
- GenerateRuleTitleRule
- GetIntegrationCouponRequest
- Giveaway
- GiveawaysPool
- IdentifiableEntity
- Import
- ImportEntity
- IncreaseAchievementProgressEffectProps
- InlineResponse200
- InlineResponse2001
- InlineResponse20010
- InlineResponse20011
- InlineResponse20012
- InlineResponse20013
- InlineResponse20014
- InlineResponse20015
- InlineResponse20016
- InlineResponse20017
- InlineResponse20018
- InlineResponse20019
- InlineResponse2002
- InlineResponse20020
- InlineResponse20021
- InlineResponse20022
- InlineResponse20023
- InlineResponse20024
- InlineResponse20025
- InlineResponse20026
- InlineResponse20027
- InlineResponse20028
- InlineResponse20029
- InlineResponse2003
- InlineResponse20030
- InlineResponse20031
- InlineResponse20032
- InlineResponse20033
- InlineResponse20034
- InlineResponse20035
- InlineResponse20036
- InlineResponse20037
- InlineResponse20038
- InlineResponse20039
- InlineResponse2004
- InlineResponse20040
- InlineResponse20041
- InlineResponse20042
- InlineResponse20043
- InlineResponse20044
- InlineResponse20045
- InlineResponse20046
- InlineResponse2005
- InlineResponse2006
- InlineResponse2007
- InlineResponse2008
- InlineResponse2009
- InlineResponse201
- IntegrationCoupon
- IntegrationCustomerSessionResponse
- IntegrationEntity
- IntegrationEvent
- IntegrationEventV2Request
- IntegrationProfileEntity
- IntegrationRequest
- IntegrationState
- IntegrationStateV2
- IntegrationStoreEntity
- InventoryCoupon
- InventoryReferral
- ItemAttribute
- LedgerEntry
- LedgerInfo
- LedgerPointsEntryIntegrationApi
- LedgerTransactionLogEntryIntegrationApi
- LibraryAttribute
- LimitConfig
- LimitCounter
- ListCampaignStoreBudgets
- ListCampaignStoreBudgetsStore
- LoginParams
- Loyalty
- LoyaltyBalance
- LoyaltyBalanceWithTier
- LoyaltyBalances
- LoyaltyBalancesWithTiers
- LoyaltyCard
- LoyaltyCardBalances
- LoyaltyCardBatch
- LoyaltyCardBatchResponse
- LoyaltyCardProfileRegistration
- LoyaltyCardRegistration
- LoyaltyDashboardData
- LoyaltyDashboardPointsBreakdown
- LoyaltyLedger
- LoyaltyLedgerEntry
- LoyaltyLedgerTransactions
- LoyaltyMembership
- LoyaltyProgram
- LoyaltyProgramBalance
- LoyaltyProgramEntity
- LoyaltyProgramLedgers
- LoyaltyProgramTransaction
- LoyaltySubLedger
- LoyaltyTier
- ManagementKey
- ManagerConfig
- MessageLogEntries
- MessageLogEntry
- MessageLogRequest
- MessageLogResponse
- Meta
- MultiApplicationEntity
- MultipleAttribute
- MultipleAudiences
- MultipleAudiencesItem
- MultipleCustomerProfileIntegrationRequest
- MultipleCustomerProfileIntegrationRequestItem
- MultipleCustomerProfileIntegrationResponseV2
- MultipleNewAttribute
- MultipleNewAudiences
- MutableEntity
- NewAccount
- NewAccountSignUp
- NewAdditionalCost
- NewAppWideCouponDeletionJob
- NewApplication
- NewApplicationApiKey
- NewApplicationCif
- NewApplicationCifExpression
- NewAttribute
- NewAudience
- NewBaseNotification
- NewCampaign
- NewCampaignCollection
- NewCampaignEvaluationGroup
- NewCampaignGroup
- NewCampaignSet
- NewCampaignStoreBudget
- NewCampaignStoreBudgetStoreLimit
- NewCampaignTemplate
- NewCatalog
- NewCollection
- NewCouponCreationJob
- NewCouponDeletionJob
- NewCoupons
- NewCouponsForMultipleRecipients
- NewCustomEffect
- NewCustomerProfile
- NewCustomerSession
- NewCustomerSessionV2
- NewEvent
- NewEventType
- NewExternalInvitation
- NewGiveawaysPool
- NewInternalAudience
- NewInvitation
- NewInviteEmail
- NewLoyaltyProgram
- NewLoyaltyTier
- NewManagementKey
- NewMultipleAudiencesItem
- NewNotificationTest
- NewNotificationWebhook
- NewOutgoingIntegrationWebhook
- NewPassword
- NewPasswordEmail
- NewPicklist
- NewReferral
- NewReferralsForMultipleAdvocates
- NewReturn
- NewRevisionVersion
- NewRole
- NewRoleV2
- NewRuleset
- NewSamlConnection
- NewStore
- NewTemplateDef
- NewUser
- NewWebhook
- Notification
- NotificationActivation
- NotificationListItem
- NotificationTest
- OktaEvent
- OktaEventPayload
- OktaEventPayloadData
- OktaEventTarget
- OneTimeCode
- OutgoingIntegrationBrazePolicy
- OutgoingIntegrationCleverTapPolicy
- OutgoingIntegrationConfiguration
- OutgoingIntegrationIterablePolicy
- OutgoingIntegrationMoEngagePolicy
- OutgoingIntegrationTemplate
- OutgoingIntegrationTemplateWithConfigurationDetails
- OutgoingIntegrationTemplates
- OutgoingIntegrationType
- OutgoingIntegrationTypes
- PatchItemCatalogAction
- PatchManyItemsCatalogAction
- PendingPointsNotificationPolicy
- Picklist
- Product
- ProductSearchMatch
- ProductSkuUnitAnalytics
- ProductUnitAnalytics
- ProfileAudiencesChanges
- ProjectedTier
- RedeemReferralEffectProps
- Referral
- ReferralConstraints
- ReferralCreatedEffectProps
- ReferralRejectionReason
- RejectCouponEffectProps
- RejectReferralEffectProps
- RemoveFromAudienceEffectProps
- RemoveItemCatalogAction
- RemoveManyItemsCatalogAction
- ReopenSessionResponse
- ReserveCouponEffectProps
- Return
- ReturnIntegrationRequest
- ReturnedCartItem
- Revision
- RevisionActivation
- RevisionVersion
- Role
- RoleAssign
- RoleMembership
- RoleV2
- RoleV2ApplicationDetails
- RoleV2Base
- RoleV2PermissionSet
- RoleV2Permissions
- RoleV2RolesGroup
- RollbackAddedLoyaltyPointsEffectProps
- RollbackCouponEffectProps
- RollbackDeductedLoyaltyPointsEffectProps
- RollbackDiscountEffectProps
- RollbackIncreasedAchievementProgressEffectProps
- RollbackReferralEffectProps
- Rule
- RuleFailureReason
- Ruleset
- SamlConnection
- SamlConnectionInternal
- SamlConnectionMetadata
- SamlLoginEndpoint
- ScimBaseUser
- ScimBaseUserName
- ScimNewUser
- ScimPatchOperation
- ScimPatchRequest
- ScimResource
- ScimResourceTypesListResponse
- ScimSchemaResource
- ScimSchemasListResponse
- ScimServiceProviderConfigResponse
- ScimServiceProviderConfigResponseBulk
- ScimServiceProviderConfigResponseChangePassword
- ScimServiceProviderConfigResponseFilter
- ScimServiceProviderConfigResponsePatch
- ScimServiceProviderConfigResponseSort
- ScimUser
- ScimUsersListResponse
- Session
- SetDiscountEffectProps
- SetDiscountPerAdditionalCostEffectProps
- SetDiscountPerAdditionalCostPerItemEffectProps
- SetDiscountPerItemEffectProps
- ShowBundleMetadataEffectProps
- ShowNotificationEffectProps
- SlotDef
- SsoConfig
- Store
- StrikethroughChangedItem
- StrikethroughCustomEffectPerItemProps
- StrikethroughDebugResponse
- StrikethroughEffect
- StrikethroughLabelingNotification
- StrikethroughSetDiscountPerItemEffectProps
- StrikethroughTrigger
- SummaryCampaignStoreBudget
- TalangAttribute
- TalangAttributeVisibility
- TemplateArgDef
- TemplateDef
- TemplateLimitConfig
- Tier
- TierDowngradeNotificationPolicy
- TierUpgradeNotificationPolicy
- TierWillDowngradeNotificationPolicy
- TierWillDowngradeNotificationTrigger
- TimePoint
- TrackEventV2Response
- TransferLoyaltyCard
- TriggerWebhookEffectProps
- TwoFaConfig
- UpdateAccount
- UpdateAchievement
- UpdateApplication
- UpdateApplicationApiKey
- UpdateApplicationCif
- UpdateAttributeEffectProps
- UpdateAudience
- UpdateCampaign
- UpdateCampaignCollection
- UpdateCampaignEvaluationGroup
- UpdateCampaignGroup
- UpdateCampaignTemplate
- UpdateCatalog
- UpdateCollection
- UpdateCoupon
- UpdateCouponBatch
- UpdateCustomEffect
- UpdateLoyaltyCard
- UpdateLoyaltyProgram
- UpdateLoyaltyProgramTier
- UpdatePicklist
- UpdateReferral
- UpdateReferralBatch
- UpdateRole
- UpdateRoleV2
- UpdateStore
- UpdateUser
- User
- UserEntity
- ValueMap
- Webhook
- WebhookActivationLogEntry
- WebhookLogEntry
- WebhookWithOutgoingIntegrationDetails
- WillAwardGiveawayEffectProps
- Type: API key
- API key parameter name: Authorization
- Location: HTTP header
Note, each API key must be added to a map of map[string]APIKey
where the key is: Authorization and passed in as the auth context for each request.
- Type: API key
- API key parameter name: Authorization
- Location: HTTP header
Note, each API key must be added to a map of map[string]APIKey
where the key is: Authorization and passed in as the auth context for each request.
- Type: API key
- API key parameter name: Authorization
- Location: HTTP header
Note, each API key must be added to a map of map[string]APIKey
where the key is: Authorization and passed in as the auth context for each request.
Due to the fact that model structure members are all pointers, this package contains a number of utility functions to easily obtain pointers to values of basic types. Each of these functions takes a value of the given basic type and returns a pointer to it: