Compose the classic MATLAB boxplot with included between-group differences shown as lines with stars above.
In a given figure environment call
boxplotdifferences(data, groups, diffs, labels)
where the parameters are:
- data: the data in the same format as classic boxplot
- groups: group identifiers in the same format as classic boxplot
- diffs: (MxN double matrix) info about the significant differences. Each row represents a single difference. First column is the position of the group A, second column the position of group B and third column is the degree of significance (1 - '*', 2 - '**', 3 - '***'). Example:
diffs = [1 3 1; 1 4 2; 3 4 3];
- labels: group labels to appear in the boxplot in the same format as a classic boxplot. Example:
labels = {'group a', 'group b', 'group c'};
Developed by Vojtech Illner at FEE CTU in Prague