These Ansible & Vagrant repositories are meant for Development (& Staging) only. Right now, I don't have any plan on building these for Production. Though I've built provisioning and configurations as secured and robust as I can, I would have included different parameters and security measures for Production environments, including real security tests.
See my Vagrantfiles/WebServersCluster (GitHub)
This Vagrantfile repository will provision virtual machines to create a web infrastructure containing:
- One load balancer using Nginx.
- Two front-end web servers using Nginx.
- Two back end MySQL database servers, Master & Slave.
The "WebServerCluster_Dev" directory contains roles divided into different directories named after the roles they contain.
It also contains the Master Playbook called site.yml.
This file references the Tiers Playbooks for each roles:
- common.yml
- loadbalancer.yml
- webservers.yml
- dbservers.yml
Each roles contains the modules they will need to be included and configured:
- files/ - If files need to be included in server's FS
- handlers/ - How we'll handle service's actions
- hosts - The hosts file containing the IP addresses of the members of the cluster by group, as defined while provisioning
- tasks/ - Installation, enable at boot, import the configuration file(s)
- templates/ - Configurations files, virtual hosts, etc..
- vars/ - pid, user running the service, service's variables
- 2019-11-29 added, Work in progress