This is Spotify Spoof Assignment Build with REACT
- React
- Grommet component Library
- Redux Toolkit
- React-router-DOM
Clone the project
git clone
Go to the project directory
cd Sentify
Install dependencies
npm install
Start the server in Development mode
npm run start
Start the server in Production mode
npm run build
npm install -g serve
serve -s build
- Landing Page Frontend Authentication
- Home Page with below Sections
- Released This Week Songs
- Featured Playlists
- Browse Genre
- Search for music
- Created
, mapped the data out of array/collection and passing down the specific data as prop for a particular card - There is Case while making Playlists/Songs Rows code is repetative,so followed
(Don't Repeat Yourself) Principal so offload the data intoPlaylistRow
and passed the props to this component makingPlayLists
Component More Readable, Modular and Reusable. - Instead of repeating the Fixed component (Header, Sidebar, Footer) for each Page
Just offloaded the Changing part i.e. MainComp and passed the Whole Data as special
{Children} Prop
making use ofHigher Order Component (HOC) Pattern
- For Footer made 3 sections
- Song details
- Player with controls and
- Volume and extra options
- While Structuring App Code is look-like chaos and unmodular at first so Seperated out the layout Component and then
them into SingleHome
Page Component.
Following tree Summerizes the Structure of APP
Started with spotify Auth, thought of making authSlice but later dropped and stored it in
- There is no option for signup or custom login page it's done by Spotify Auth API under the hood
- so no need to make another slice and crowding the store for single token to use over the app lifecycle
Async calls using thunk and just added loading as boolean flag to signal data is fetched or in pending/rejected state