A Drupal recipe that sets up Olivero theme for using with ANU Learning Management System.
If you are installing everything from scratch, we recommend DDEV for running Drupal and Anu LMS.
Skip step 1. if you have Drupal CMS or vanilla Drupal installed already.
- Install Drupal CMS (instructions) or Drupal Core (instructions).
- Prepare Composer for Anu LMS installation:
composer config minimum-stability dev composer config allow-plugins.cweagans/composer-patches true composer require cweagans/composer-patches
- Make sure you have Drush 13 or higher. Run this commands to check the version
and upgrade Drush if needed:
drush --version composer require drush/drush
- Pull these recipes to your file system:
composer require systemseed/anu_lms_base composer require systemseed/anu_lms_front_end_theme
- Install the recipe:
drush cr drush recipe ../recipes/anu_lms_front_end_theme
- Visit the Anu LMS project page for more information.