Cosmetic industry influencers widget
Display list of cosmetic influencers: individual people with the power to influence others.
Influencer could be defined by:
- A full name
- Social network activity
- Username
- Avatar
- Potential earned value
Alpha version allows me to display list of influencers.
GIVEN a list of 10 influencers
WHEN I load the widget
THEN display all available influencers
GIVEN the influencers widget
WHEN I display a specific influencer
THEN highlight all available properties as
* Full name
* Avatar
* Social network
* Potential earn value
GIVEN a specific influencer
WHEN I click on username
THEN display the given influencer social network page
Beta version allows me to save 3 favorite influencers.
I need of course to keep my saved favorite influencers when I close and reopen my browser.
I want to display my favorite influencers for any web browsers.
And I need to compute the potential earned value for my saved favorite influencers.