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Josh Mandel edited this page Mar 18, 2021 · 9 revisions

#Basic APIs for Imaging Access


  • App authorized via SMART on FHIR
  • Optional: App queries EHR clinical FHIR server for data
  • App queries EHR imaging FHIR server for ImagingStudy resource
  • App following links from ImagingStudy to fetch DICOM data

Assumptions and Pre-conditions

  • EHR supports SMART on FHIR authorization
  • EHR supports SMART on FHIR token introspection
  • App knows the EHR's imaging endpoint either through:
    • out-of-band config, or
    • EHR's .well-known/smart-configuration includes an imaging FHIR base URL
  • EHR authorization screen includes support for patient/*.read (or patient/
  • User agrees to share imaging data with App, during the SMART App "Standalone Launch" flow

API Calls

App obtains an access token

App redirects to /authorize and receives an authorization code. Then App calls POST /token to obtain:

     "expires_in": 3600,
     "access_token": "access-token-value-unguessable",
     "refresh_token": "refresh-token-value-unguessable-and-long-lasting",
     "patient": "123" # FHIR Patient ID ==>

Now app has an access token that it can use for clinical + imaging APIs

App requests imaging studies for patient

Authorization: Bearer access-token-value-unguessable

The Imaging FHIR server makes an access control decision informed by the EHR's Token Introspection API:


The Imaging FHIR server makes sure that

  • the Patient ID from ImagingStudy/:pid matches the patient ID value returned in the introspection response
  • the access token is active
  • the access token includes patient/ or patient/*.read scopes

The Imaging FHIR server MAY looks up additional information about this Patient ID as needed from the EHR (e.g., leveraging Backend Services API access to GET This returns a list of patient Identifiers that the Imaging FHIR server may need to cross-map with its own data.

Imaging FHIR server responds with data or a "wait up!" status

If the Imaging FHIR server needs to fetch data from sources that will take some time (e.g., issuing a DICOM C-FIND query under the hood), it MAY respond with a 503 status and a Retry-After header indicating how many seconds the app should wait before re-trying its query.

If the Imaging FHIR server has data available (e.g., having called DICOM C-FIND or issued a QIDO-RS query under the hood), it responds with a FHIR Bundle of ImagingStudy resources, filtering by Meta.lastUpdated or ImagingStudy.started if client has supplied one of these search parameters. Each resource in the Bundle should populate the following fields at least:

    "resourceType": "ImagingStudy",
    "id": "",
	"value":"<Example Study UID>"
    "status": "available",
    "patient": "Patient/123",
    "started": <StudyDate + StudyTime + Timezone Offset>,
    "modality": [<Modalities in Study>],
    "endpoint": {"reference": "#e"} // May be "contained" or external
                 // connectionType = dicom-wado-rs
                 // This URL should follow a convention of:
                 // [Imaging FHIR Server Base URL]/Patient/123/$wado-rs

App requests instance data from wado-rsi

The app can construct a series of requests from the $wado-rs URL by appending /studies/<Example Study UID>:

   Accept: multipart/related; type=application/dicom
   Authorize: Bearer access-token-value-unguessable

WADO endpoint responds with instance data

As above, the server validates the access token via the Token Introspection API, ensuring that the token

  • is active
  • matches the patient ID for the requested study
  • includes scopes for patient/ or patient/*.read access

As above, if the server needs to fetch data from sources that will take some time (e.g., issuing a DICOM C-MOVE query under the hood), it MAY respond with a 503 status and a Retry-After header indicating how many seconds the app should wait before re-trying its query.

If response data are available directly, the server returns

Content-type: multipart/related; type=application/dicom