Simple App to watch on price changes from different sources. For example Shop sites to get the cheapest price over a long time distance.
The Parser section are empty, write your own and check if the source allow web robots. Put them into the price_list/parser directory and they will autoloaded.
Pay attention to the ruby convention that the filename a simmilar to the included class/module name.
# encoding: UTF-8
class PriceList::Parser::Example < PriceList::Parser
self.responsible_base_url = ""
def parse
doc = Nokogiri::HTML(open(self.url, ssl_verify_mode: OpenSSL::SSL::VERIFY_NONE))
self.title = doc.xpath('//title').children.text.strip
self.price ='div.price').attr('content').value.strip)
self.stock_state = doc.css('.stockStatus').children.text.strip
self.currency = '€'
- Ruby Version > 2.0
- GNUPlot
- I18n for the UI