by Surge AI, the world's most powerful data labeling platform for NLP
This repo contains a walkthrough of how to calculate Krippendorff's Alpha for a sample dataset. Check out for the code.
In machine learning and data labeling, it’s important to think about inter-annotator agreement: how well do the evaluators building your datasets agree with each other? Cohen’s kappa statistic is a common way of measuring their agreement, but it suffers from several flaws: it can only be used for measuring two raters, and can only be used for categorical variables.
One powerful alternative is known as Krippendorff’s alpha, which generalizes interrater reliability to an arbitrary number of raters and a wide variety of data types. To learn more about it, read our tutorial on the Surge AI blog:
Interested in learning more about data labeling and inter-rater reliability? Check out our blog, or follow us on Twitter at @HelloSurgeAI!