火控需要玄学Mod作为API (0.0.4+): Fire control requires Metaphysics Mod(0.0.4+) as API:
@kallen https://github.com/KallenKas024/Metaphysics/tree/main
该火控需要依赖以下mod: This fire control also requires the following mods:
- Valkyrien Skies 2
- Create
- Create Big Cannons
- CC:Tweaked
- Tom's Peripherals
- Metaphysics
- VS Addition
以下mod非强制,但推荐安装 The following mods are not mandatory, but recommended to install
- clockwork
- vMod
- Some Peripherals
- Create: Interactive
- UnlimitedPeripheralWorks(推荐,提供外设代理-无线外设) (reason: peripheral proxy)
- Some Peripherals (火控的头瞄模式2支持Raycast眼镜) (Fire control head aiming mode 2 supports Raycast goggles)