lisp(Scheme) interpreter for rust
- number procedure (+ - * / < <= > >= = integer? float? number? integer=? float=? number=? float->integer float->string integer->float integer->string integer->char)
- boolean operation (and or not)
- byte byte-vector->string
- char procedure (char? char=? char->number)
- symbol procedure (symbol? symbol=? symbol->string)
- string procedure (string? string=? mark-string string-length string-ref string-set! substring string-append string-copy string-find string-trim string-replace string->list ...)
- cons procedure (cons car cdr set-car! set-cdr!)
- list procedure (list list? list=? list-ref list-tail list-set! list_length append reverse list->vector list->string map for-each filter reduce)
- vector procedure (vector? vector=? make-vector vector vector-length vector-ref vector-set! vector-fill! vector->list)
- dict procedure (dict? dict=? make-dict dict dict-length dict-get dict-rm! dict-put! dict-clear! dict-contains-key? dict-keys->list dict-value->list dict->list)
- quote '
- procedure? method?
- nil?
- type procedure (get-type-name is-type?)
- define
- let + let*
- set
- lambda support closure
- branch (if do while)
- apply
- define-macro support ` , ,@
- display + newline
- load support ; #
- eval
- lazy evaluation (delay promise? force)
- io (file io | socket(net) io | console io) support (display newline call-with-tcp-listener call-with-input-file call-with-output-file open-input-file open-output-file input-port? output-port? port? read-char read-line read-string read-u8 read-byte-vector write-char write-string write-byte-vector write-u8)
- concurrency (async await | thread ) support (thread-run join sleep make-lock lock-exp make-barrier barrier-wait make-channel channel-send:(-> chan x) channel-done channel-recv:(<- chan) channel-for-each :(<-for-each fn chan) channel-map:(<-- fn chan)
- more can be implemented through macros
cargo build --release
cd ./target/release
./rust-lisp run ./aa.lisp
./rust-lisp cmd
welcome rust-lisp v0.1.0
source code:
> + 1 2 3 \
4 5 6
> :save
please input the file name:
save file success
> call-with-input-file "./sample.lisp" read-string
(+ 1 2 3 4 5 6)
> load "./sample.lisp"
> :quit
good bye!
- call-with-tcp-listener
(define f (call-with-input-file "./demo.html" read-string))
(call-with-tcp-listener "" ( lambda (in) (
(display (byte-vector->string (read-byte-vector in 4096)))
(string-append "HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\n\r\n" f)
- thread + channel
(define chan (make-channel))
(define barrier (make-barrier 3))
(define p (lambda (x) (
(define i 0)
(while (< i 10) (
(display x i)
(set! i (+ i 1))
(barrier-wait barrier)
(-> chan x)
(channel-done chan)
(thread-run p "你好,世界1!")
(thread-run p "你好,世界2!")
(thread-run p "你好,世界3!")
(channel-for-each (lambda (x) (
(display x)
)) chan))
- lib.lisp
(define-macro def (lambda (name args . body) (`(define ,name (lambda ,args ,@body)))))
(define-macro println (lambda (. args) (`((display ,@args) (newline) ))))
(define-macro loop (lambda (. exp) (
`(while (#t) ,exp)
(define-macro export (lambda (. exports) (
` (dict (list ,@(map symbol->string exports)) (list ,@exports))
(define-macro import (lambda (names form file)(
(define export-info (load file))
(`(,@(map (lambda (n) (`(define ,n (dict-get ,export-info (symbol->string ,n))))) names)))
(define-macro ^ (lambda (. exp) (
`(lambda () ,exp)
- async.lisp
(define thread-qty (* (get-os-cpu-num) 2))
(define barrier (make-barrier thread-qty))
(define channel (make-channel))
(do ((index 0 (+ 1 index)))
((= index thread-qty) nil)
(thread-run (lambda ()(
(channel-for-each (lambda (task) (
)) channel)
(barrier-wait barrier)
(def go (task) (
-> task channel
(export go)
- web-sample.lisp
(def handler (in out) (
;; (sleep 1)
(println (current-thread-name))
(display (read-line in))
(write-string "HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\n\r\n hello word" out )
(def tcp-listener (port) (
(println "tcp-listener: port: " port)
(call-with-tcp-listener (string-append "" port) ( lambda (in out) (
(go (lambda () (
handler in out
(export tcp-listener)
- main.lisp
(load "./lib.lisp")
(import (go) from "./async.lisp")
(import (tcp-listener) from "./web-sample.lisp")
(tcp-listener 8088)