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SunNUS 22 App Repo 🌞

Developed with ❤️ in:

react typescript firebase

What is this repo for?

This repo is used to contain all the components used in building the mobile app for SunNUS 22. We use expo as an emulator to develop for both iOS and Android. In addition, we also use TestFlight for testing deployment on iOS.

If you would like to learn more about the project in general or need a starting point, you may refer to the docs repo.

If you would like to learn more about how the backend and cloud functions are built, you may refer to the cloud repo.

Repo structure

├── firebase.js             # Firebase credentials
├── App.tsx                 # Entry point of the application
├── src                     # Components used to build the application
│   ├── classes             # Objects in our schema modelled as classes
│   ├── components          # Components used to build pages
│   ├── data                # Constants used in our application
│   ├── lib                 # Constants in dictionaries, helper functions
│   ├── navigations         # Routing and auth related
│   ├── screens             # Different pages available
│   ├── styles              # Styling of components and pages
│   ├── types               # Typescript types
└   └── utils               # Misc and general helpfer functions


  • node v16 and above
  • yarn strictly v1
  • git
  • expo
  • firebase.js (get it from a project member)

More detailed explanations on installation process can be found in docs repo.

Clone the repo. A folder called app should appear. After cloning the repo, install node packages by running yarn in these directories:

  • app

In order for the application to interact with firebase, you would need the firebase crendetials found in firebase.js.

As it contains sensitive information, it is not part of the repo. You may have to obtain it from the tech lead and put it into the root directory.

Before running the app using expo, sign up for an expo account here.

Log in using your terminal with the following command:

expo signin -u <username> -p <password>

Then run expo start to start up a server.